
Sounds good, glad your friends are so good at humming while they blow and doing the retest while driving down the road, this should be great for people with disabilities but fuck them, right?

You’re downplaying how these devices work here, it’s significantly more complicated than that 

I’ll go finish the article in a second, but the breathalyzer part has some egregious errors in it, as a person that used to run a service center for these devices.

I think this kind of gets knocked as “the actors aren’t even in the SAME ROOM ANYMORE” as a way of saying it’s lesser, but I think the biggest benefit we’ll see with this sort of thing is that they can cast bigger name actors and work around scheduling conflicts now, so it’s a net positive imo. 

Did you see the story in Texas where a woman miscarried and had to spend a few days in jail for unclear crimes? It’s already one of the worst days of their lives, and now they need to worry about the state using its carceral power to punish them without even specifying a crime. They should have recourse for that. 

Well as long as there’s some kind of flimsy justification for it it’s probably fine then

There’s a difference between demand for two AN225s and one though, so the second fuselage never being completed doesn’t say much. I’m sure the world will find a way around that, but if there were better, cheaper options around then this one wouldn’t have seen enough demand to keep working.

As a 5'11" 240ish pound american when I worked on them the RX8 had a bit more room than a miata, I used to bang my knees on the wheel getting into Miatas. Our mazda tech was 6'8", he had to put the top down and look over the windshield 

Considering the AN-225 is still very much in demand to move cargo that only it can move calling it a vanity project is a bit much 

Every time there’s a post like this I’m reminded how many people live in the city or suburbs and have never been outside of them. And there’s nothing wrong with that! It’s just a curious lack of knowledge but being ready to make pronouncements about how everyone should be doing things without knowing whether that

I spend a lot of time driving in places with no service and the booster on my truck can’t amplify a signal it doesn’t have, and for whatever reason google maps hates to download the entire area I use, which is about 1k square miles. I rarely use my in car nav, because we don’t buy trucks that have it, but I usually

LMAO, they reposted the article. You’re the one coming back to reply you loser

One of my old service managers had to go testify over a case where a corvette spun a rod bearing, broke the rod and cut the block in half. The warranty company authorized the rod bearing since that was the point of failure and all that they were responsible for, everything after that was incidental damage and the

It’s a scam to not want my contact info sold to scammers?

This is the shit Al Bundy tells himself so he feels like less of a failure. I’m glad you found something to stave off the crushing despair of your own mediocrity. 

Okay, have fun debating the right to exist of other humans. 

I refuse to engage in civil political discourse over the rights of people to participate in society. Whether Americans should have access to certain types of healthcare or marriage isn’t up for debate and I won’t treat it as such. 

Oh fuck off. LGBT people should be able to exist isn’t some partisan stance and if you think it is then you have brain worms. 

My argument is that having a display you can reconfigure is neat, and the fact that you shouldn’t be doing it while riding doesn’t make it bad.

1) You don’t need to operate the screen