
Sounds like someone bought a car they couldn’t afford.

Both my cars have that 8 speed and it is truly excellent. Modern fast cars are so fast, you’re safer just skipping the paddles and focusing on where you’re going...the only use I have for the paddles is for engine braking when it’s snowing. 

This was a desperate presentation. The wolves are circling Tesla now. The Y is not in any way a real car in development. 

You don’t think this is a real car do you? 

Well that went to a dark place fast.

Dude...take a Xanax or something. 

Wow. Just wow. Could these guys stumble even more? There are so many paths Cadillac can choose and they continuously choose the worst one. I do understand metric better than the average American, and I can’t convert NM to Lb/ft.
 I’ve got ideas for Caddy:

I can’t believe there are people that didn’t know this..

OK, that hurt.

They are, for once, going to face real repercussions. Federal judges are more immune to pressure than just about anyone (hence why they’re appointed for life). They won’t over sentence because of the outrage-but they won’t under sentence because they are rich and/or famous.

Eh, been called worse.

Honestly wouldn’t care. It just looks great-particularly compared to cars of that era. May be biased-one of my cars has red quilted leather and the other has “espresso” brown leather with contrast stitching.

Random tidbit-Naval uniform pants were (are?) bell bottoms specifically so they could be used as an emergency flotation device. Don’t know if they were meant to be used this way or not though.

Bernie Sanders concurs and also ask where he can find this breadline.

I see hit pieces. Deadspin always brings in the women to write hit pieces in general, and towards other women specifically. DS is soooo woke. 

See, I totally understand your point of view. I both will if needed, and have in the past, used similar logic. Just flat out being cheap, when you have other options, and at the expense of a reasonably comfortable existence is dumb (In my opinion).

Lol-so so salty. 

I get being fiscally conservative and/or frugal-though I’m neither-but some people are so cheap it makes their lives noticeably worse. I will never understand it.

Not at all. People should buy what they like-not what car blog commentators approve of. 

Who is really driving around with 4 or 5 adults on the regular-AND-getting a Corolla? The backseat is for kids and dogs. And if you’re young-who cares if your friends are uncomfortable?