
Strange to say, I actually like these as a slideshow. I don’t like having to scroll through every single story on the same page

Yes, you sound stupid. As fuck. 

The troll being a jerk about kids here has recently changed his account from this:

No.  Do you realize how stupid and assholey you sound?

Sounds almost as stupid as you getting mad about it.

Since they don’t actually want you playing Wanda, I doubt they’ll ever remove the booster effect. It’s clearly intended as a disincentive to play zombie Agatha decks just for the boosters.

I actually have an Agatha deck, Agatha Discard, and it works fairly well most of the time.

dang, sorry if I ruined anyone’s enjoyment of Harry Potter and the Blood Libel.

Do people actually hate playing against move decks? They are some of my favorite to face because they are predictable and you usually know before anyone snaps what kind of shape you are in.

Eh, fine. Still haven’t cracked the damned thing. ::waits on Doom::

I literally watch every new episode on Mondays. And rewatch the old episodes all the time. And yeah, I still greatly prefer (most of the time) stuff from season 2-8.

My wife used to be involved with a charity helping abused women and their kids. Around the holidays they would take in donations of gifts for kids. They would go through them to make sure it was all appropriate for kids. One year, one woman on her committee vetoed every Harry Potter related book or item over

Agreed. This is the first thing Logan Paul has done that hasn’t made me wish I could punch him in the face.

It reminds me of the Dan Brown show that Peacock thinks will entice viewers to subscribe to their service. I can’t imagine who would watch it. But these days you don’t need a huge audience to sustain a show for three or four seasons, so who knows. 

So would you say this has caused the franchise owners to go into full...meltdown?

I am disappointed there is not more love for Boom Boom, very casual comic fan but I did love boom Boom in xmen evolution 

I’m sorry, but since none of you appear to have had pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from Harmon’s in Utah, you’re not actually qualified to do this draft.  Which you can tell because there was a candle included instead of actual food. 

“Eye-talian cheese” a green can.

Kind of like how you can’t have a single issue of Bane without him doing the signature back breaking move.