
I think this is the game that will finally get me to upgrade to the Wii U.


My older boy does this all the fucking time... Seriously. And Mrs. Brawl does. Not. Get. It. She does not understand the pain that even a brush the wrong way can cause a man.

I once had a teacher use tactic #1... for herself. For when we’d stress her out too bad, she’d just suddenly assign random busy work, disappear for 30 minutes, then come back smelling heavily of cigarettes. Once, a group of students followed her, and discovered she’d walk a mile down the road and smoke in front of a

Usually the $.01 is a code to the clerks that the item is discontinued. Most stores are supposed to give it to you, then that clerk is supposed to be responsible for pulling the rest of that product off the shelves.

My LCS owner talked down to my wife pretty routinely, and once hassled her about buying stuff in my pull box that HE added, not me. That’s pretty much why I hadn’t been reading new comics for most of our marriage until digital became a big deal.

You in the states? Most states will issue a generic photo idea for stuff like this, buying booze, travel, etc.

Installing now. Can’t wait. Looks fun

You sir win the internet today.

Can I point out one thing (that my pediatrician explained to me)? Croup is not directly caused by a virus. It’s a side effect of the virus/bacteria/dry air/demonic possession. It’s essentially your poor kiddo’s throat becoming so raw that it becomes inflamed.

Heh, the fact that you needed to write this is exactly why I’m skipping SLCC this year. I’ll have a newborn (about 6 weeks old) by the time the con comes around. Guess I’ll do FanX instead.

It’s not disappearing though. The digests will still be released in the classic style, and the Archie EIC has said they will be continuing to produce new material for those.

Between this and Afterlife (one of the best horror comics I’ve read in a long time), I’m interested in Archie for the first time ever.

Awesome! I love Jungle Run and Fiesta Run. Both are fantastic games.

Jalapenos are considered a “chili” pepper, so that’s accurate.

You know your fad has gone TOO mainstream when Taco Bell jumps on the bandwagon.

Thanks for sharing this Mike. My son is also on the spectrum, but he and I are able to connect through shared loves. I wouldn’t trade a second of it for anything.

Logan, UT, in 2004/05 ish.

It is.

As an HR professional, I’m speaking from experience- you’re wrong. You need to call them on it in a polite and professional way. If they get offended, you don’t want to work there.