Be aware: you're currently speculating on other people's sex lives as a way of dismissing their opinions.
Be aware: you're currently speculating on other people's sex lives as a way of dismissing their opinions.
I’m not sure we should identify “incels” as a powerful demographic that’s benefitting from the patriarchy. They seem too miserable in their own lives to be the bad guys that need to be taken down. After all, their name is a portmanteau of “involuntary celibate” and if “involuntary” is right there in the name then it…
Sam was never worried about whether he could live up to Steve’s legacy. You don’t hire Anthony Mackie to play a modest character. Bucky even apologized in Ep 5 because he and Steve, being from New York in the 40s, never realized what the flag symbolized for black people, especially a black man from the south. Asking a…
The Sonic Advance series was pretty damn good too
It’s probably for the best; you wouldn’t be able to get past the bottomless pits and other instant deathtraps they introduce in later levels.
Do I have to remove the Nissan logo from my car before I resell it?
Yeah, that’s the same group alright
I think the best way to nip that shit in the bud is that whenever they start harassing you, you go over and say that you’re flattered they find you interesting, tell them about your day, and ask them if they wanna sit together. When they say no, ignore them and sit with them anyway and start interrupting their…
I think we all got the main gist of it, which is that Ash is horny for the Tall Lady. I’m not entirely sure why half the Internet seems to be thirsty for this one video game character, but TBH it’s not terribly important that I understand, either.
I think you’re underestimating how obsessed the ancient Greeks were with sex. The statue is a statue of Aphrodite, literally the goddess of beauty, love, sex and passion. Titillation is inherent in her portfolio and was very probably, almost definitely, part of the point of the statue. This is the goddess that a man…
You're aware that Alexandros of Antioch was an artist who worked on commission, right? It was the client who requested the sculpture and Alexandros was motivated by profit.
I can pretty much guarantee that if this guy had a Venus di Milo on his shelf it would also not be the original Venus di Milo and would in fact be a mass-produced copy.
1. What’s the historical and cultural significance that makes you ignore the fact that Venus di Milo is a topless lady? I only ask because your assertion sounds vaguely like an appeal to authority.
When I heard “anime figures” I had the sneaking suspicion that they were suggestively-posed female characters in revealing clothes. Then I saw the name “Vampirella” and my suspicions were confirmed. So yeah, I would personally have a hard time taking a guy who openly displays that in his office seriously. Here’s the…
It’s only for two months. Long enough to get anti-vaxxers accustomed to the habit of a free donut. Then it ends and if they want the sugar to keep flowing for the rest of the year they have to get vaccinated.
So what I’m hearing is that Sony make the best buggy whips.
Meh. They'll only think that if they were never gonna get an Xbox anyway.
Well you can complete any level in 3D World as tiny hatless Mario. But the requisite powerups make it drastically easier and allow you to get collectibles you couldn’t get otherwise. So it’s more like the old Marios.
Yeah, TBH although I personally would find this way too embarrassing to actually own myself, I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it. More people should be open about being sexual entities who enjoy sexual thoughts. I’ve had conversations (that I did not initiate!) with friends (male and female!) about the kind…
I’m skeptical that you’ve done the necessary research to make this claim as confidently as you are.