
EVO is first and foremost a Street Fighter tournament and even Street Fighter doesn’t get two separate instalments on the main stage at EVO. Smash will be fine but Melee is a very old game and like Street Fighter II, Alpha, III and IV, it’s no longer current enough. Nintendo don’t want it overshadowing Ultimate.

Look, on one hand I agree, but on the other hand MGS4 recast the voice of Big Boss and nobody complained. Solid Snake was a modified clone of Big Boss anyway, and was presumably raised by different people, so it doesn’t make sense that they’d both sound exactly the same.

Either that or you have diabetes

But... it WAS tacked on...

Will there be the color dungeon? WILL THERE BE A NEW DUNGEON?!?!

Dude couldve easily gotten his teeth fixed years ago, he’s made this his look intentionally

I assume that you’ve never woken up knowing the solution to a problem that had been plaguing you the night before?

“Superman should not be created for the audience”

Is THAT the definition of gentrification? I thought the definition was “when rich folks move into poor neighborhoods and rents go up so poor people can’t live there anymore”.

Question: if ghettoes are bad, and gentrification turns single-ethnicity ghettoes into multi-ethnic neighborhoods, is gentrification good, in a way? Is it the final step of integration of historically isolated immigrant communities? If the new neighbors can’t move in until the old neighbors leave, where do the old

I feel like I’m not being understood here. I’m not talking about what SHOULD be the situation, and I’m not defending anyone’s use of it. I’m not saying that if black people use the word that they can’t complain about white people using it. I’m talking about what IS the situation. I’m saying that the thrill of

Seems like CK’s referencing Rock’s old bit where Rock said there were two types of black people.

They’ve had back compat on every console they’ve ever made so I like my odds

Bullshit. I, a sucker, have bought Virtual Console versions of plenty of these NES games and Nintendo continues to insist that I buy those games over and over. Now I have to pay for a subscription? For games I could easily have been pirating on my laptop, nay, on my wristwatch? Nintendo aren’t some wholesome personal

Sure, but I’m not really bitching ABOUT you, I’m bitching TO you about something I think you’ll agree with.

Excuse you, it’s the BOMBASTIC Bag Man.

I think web browsers should include a plugin which edits all webpages from saying “white people” and “black people” to saying “white Americans” and “black Americans”. Because a lot of the “racial differences” people are talking about here simply do not exist outside America.

Worth noting that he didn’t sexually assault her; he made some inappropriate jokes. Jokes that perhaps he got away with with other costars in other shows because they knew him and knew he was only joking. Regardless, the settlement is not over what he did. The settlement is over her getting fired for confronting him

Even in single-player, though, there were frequent encounters with rival gangs trying to ambush you. That’s not getting griefed; that’s the core gameplay.