
The timeline is:

I think Luke Cage, the character, suffered from being “The Black One” of the overall Defenders-verse and ended up having to be all things to all black people. Misty, unsaddled with this burden, got to be an interesting character whose character arc was coherent and focused on particular and consistent character

Disney are also in the process of buying a controlling interest in Hulu, though, and that might be used to handle the more adult material as is already being done with Runaways (which is v good btw).

I haven’t bothered watching any of the post-Potter extended universe stuff. Am I understanding you correctly that they hired Farrell and then in the sequel he transformed into Depp for no reason other than Rowling preferred Depp?

Battle Network was a really interesting idea but so much depends on the luck of the draw - literally. You have a deck of cards and you draw new ones periodically in battle and each one lets you use certain attacks but you never know which you’re going to get. It’s fine during regular battles but later in the game

Punching up doesn’t exist. There are awful people who deserve ridicule, and there are decent people who don’t. Negativity is negativity. If negativity is all you put out, that’s all that’ll come back to you.

This is why people push for diversity in hiring.

Well, you have an awful lot of opinions on how easy something is to do for someone who has none of the actual information on what’s required to do it.

Ghost-types are vastly more likely to spawn after midnight.

Sounds like Baker is channeling his inner Fillion a little here

If it were that easy to do, why hasn’t Kotaku done it in order to confirm the details of the story and remove the need to use the word “allegations”? Why don’t YOU do it?

Why would an American pro gaming team have unprecedented access to Korean legal records? What connections, exactly, are you assuming they have?

In Korea, any kind of defamation, even if true, is a criminal offense apparently. The ex-wife apparently can’t legally talk about the case even though it apparently is over. Korean privacy laws are weird. So it seems that actually finding out this information isn’t very easy at all. This article talks about

Peachette is to Toadette as Peach is to...?

It was a dog whistley way of saying “we as Americans need to let the rest of the world know that Trump doesn’t really speak for us and we find him embarrassing and we look forward to a time when he’s gone and America can get back to being a productive member of the global community”.

Either that or she recognised that a serious issue was being discussed and didn’t want to look like she didn’t care.

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair was a great game

You joke, but I really enjoyed when they reworked Castlevania to turn it into a team-based online action game with dungeon raids.

That one’s actually a reasonable position to hold when the story’s still developing though?