You’re assuming a lot of things. Primarily:
You’re assuming a lot of things. Primarily:
Everyone’s entitled to an opinion. They just don’t matter. Well, except in cases where people are doing something criminal. Then you’re obliged to act. Although at that point it’s less of an opinion and more of a civic duty anyway.
No. Your opinion on what Ninja should or shouldn’t do is your own, and yes public opinion can affect Ninja’s earnings. But your opinion doesn’t matter. My opinion doesn’t matter. None of our opinions have any moral power over what he should do. You can have an opinion that he should stream with women, and he can…
I mean, you’re correct that nobody can stop anybody from having opinions, but on the other hand, in this case none of our opinions matter.
What’s wrong with Thai food?
Why on earth would anyone buy a box set just before the final season?
Why on earth would anyone buy a box set just before the final season?
“He is as clumsy as he is stupid” is how Vader referred to one of his highest officers.
Nobody in TFA treats Rey’s lineage as important except Rey. Everybody else is just like “who’s this randomer, using the Force?” The movie explicitly shows us her parents abandoning her on Jakku with Onkar Plutt. Your mistake is over-interpreting random casual remarks whilst completely ignoring the blatant indicators…
Considering that the First Order at this point has killed:
The pursuit plotline isn’t meant to be EXCITING, it’s meant to be TENSE. For a while it’s not even clear HOW the First Order is tracking them, and so it introduces an element of paranoia like “is there a spy on board?”. The Millennium Falcon’s escape from the Empire in TESB was mostly just them parked inside an…
Yeah, it seems to me that there’s a lot to be angry with A about, here. Why on Earth, if she knew George was like this with her boyfriends, didn’t she warn D&A about him beforehand? She’s mentioned that she was in an abusive relationship before and meeting her friends is a big deal and that George is “protective” of…
Guys, I know there’s a lot of sites that force you to tick a box that says “yes I am 13 or over”, but a lot of kids LIE.
Ok but if for example you were playing a game of Minecraft, it’d be reasonable for one person to say “I’m gonna build my base over here” since other players can build literally anywhere else. Nobody is denied space.
He’s the Luke Skywalker of his own saga now: at first universally loved but damned by a couple of bad decisions, the question being whether it’s really too late to redeem himself.
Question: what if, instead of killing half the universe, Thanos actually created two universes? And the dusted people are actually alive and well in a new universe where they think the non-dusted people died? Giving Marvel two universes to play with and keep continuity small for each.
I think I know the comment thread that prompted this update and it just goes to show how easy it is for rumours to get started
The idea is that it’s like Lego or Meccano etc. You buy a pack that lets you build a specific thing but you can also use the pieces in other combinations to make your own things.
There’s a mode where you can design your own stuff not included in the pre-printed sets.
While I understand that the patriarchy needs to be kept in check, I do agree that tweeting insults against entire demographics is something that should be discouraged. Retweeting “disgusting Jews” wouldn’t be acceptable, so teach the unacceptability of that by applying your logic consistently. “It’s OK to say it about…
At this point, people buy PS4s because their friends have PS4s. The console war was already lost when Microsoft announced back compat.