Back compat means that the Xbox has more “exclusives” than the PS4.
It’s OK. Nobody acts like a stupid twit in it, the “murderverse” aspect is absent, the score includes hints of the Danny Elfman Batman theme and the John Williams Superman theme, Barry Allen is a lovable doofus, Wonder Woman takes a kind of leadership role in the team alongside Batman who is genuinely remorseful for…
JL is better than BvS and even is more fun than MoS (“better” is merely debatable), and probably better than SS. However, this whole cinematic universe was ill-conceived and the audience’s enthusiasm had already been sapped by previous instalments. Wonder Woman was pretty much the only well-received DCEU movie, the…
You just described Civil War. Zemo tricked them all into kicking the shit out of each other for no reason whatsoever. There were no actual stakes (although the heroes didn’t know that). In fact when they get to Siberia he’s all like “hey I already killed those guys you were worried about, but check out this video I…
I assume they mean critically. TLJ was very well reviewed
I assume they mean critically.
Bye Felicia
Two things:
Man, when I played through the bizarreness that was the Patriots controlling civilisation by using AI to curate the “truth”, I never thought I’d be LIVING in that world
Ehh, I think that was down to bad CGI more than anything. The models obviously weren’t mocapped so the attacks and motions had no “emotional content” in them.
Americans tend to get rejected by the nations of their ancestors. For example, in Ireland there’s a phrase called “Plastic Paddy” which refers to somebody who knows nothing about Irish culture but still refers to themselves as Irish just because their great-great-great-whatever was Irish. In Ireland, Irishness isn’t…
Shuri was shouting internet memes though. Wakanda didn’t let the outside world know much about it but it sent War Dogs around the world learning about the world, and has presumably done so for centuries. Wakanda imports culture, it just doesn’t export it. Well, it didn’t.
You do realise that one of them died, right?
I get that the natural assumption is that he’s barking but I assume he’s actually gorilla-grunting.
Exactly! Everyone knows you give it to whoever can pick up a hammer.
I mean the UK has a monarch too and it doesn’t stop it from being a modern nation.
This is a kingdom that’s untouched by colonialism, yes, but that’s not to say that it couldn’t acquire knowledge of Hinduism through normal trade and travel. It doesn’t have to match any real African country.
The Dora Milaje are warriors, and hair gets in the way. It’s the same reason they shave your head when you join any military in the world: both for the psychological advantages that come from your soldiers having a sense of shared uniformity and similarity, and the practical advantages that come from your soldiers not…
Just clicked through to Politico and apparently the original title was “What If You Could Get Your Own Immigrant?”