
Did you explain that Marvel had the name first?

Oh I get it

Allow me. The foot fetish on its own is benign. People are allowed to like different things. It hurts noone. For the purposes of the point I’m making, however, I WILL point out that he indulges in it in just about all his movies. All his movies spend time looking at women’s feet. So his turn-ons inform his directorial

The whole point of Labo is that you can get your own cardboard on the cheap and simply get a scissors to cut it in the shape of the template (Labo will have downloadable templates), and fold it into shape as needed. The point of Labo is not to sell six cardboard toys, it’s to make children able to make their own toys

For me, it’s simple. I like tactical espionage action. This is not tactical espionage action.

Starring for call for systemic review as well as charges to be brought

Look kid it’s pretty obvious that you’ve swatted someone and are trying to rationalise it to yourself. I can only hope nobody died when you did it, but even if nobody did, you’re still as bad as a driver who aimed for a pedestrian and missed. You’re guilty of attempted murder and if they ever catch you for it you’re

Calling the police and telling them to respond to a dangerous psychopath in a hostage situation is so likely to result in death that your argument is akin to saying “but my gun had the potential to jam, so technically when I pulled the trigger I couldn’t know he’d die”

Can the police PLEASE stop immediately sending officers primed for a shootout as the first response to untraceable phone calls?

I’m terrible at FPS’s but this game is still fun for me. I’ll jump in a game with 3 friends and because it’s not HECTIC shooting, we have the breathing room to joke around with each other while we scavenge buildings for weapons. It’s an extremely social game. Also since there are 100 players in every match, the odds

That would make me more inclined towards Switch.

If your character has a countermeasure for everything the opponent’s character can do, then tier lists don’t matter. Tiers only matter when one character is able to bully another without fear of punishment, like Super Turbo’s Akuma vs Super Turbo’s Zangief.

Finn wasn’t trying to save himself so much as save Rey by getting the binary beacon as far away from that mess as possible.

Keeping the plan secret was meant to prevent the plan from leaking to the enemy. Like how Poe, as soon as he barged past security and saw the transports were being fuelled to abandon ship, immediately leaked that info to Finn and Rose while DJ eavesdropped. AS SOON AS POE KNEW THE PLAN IT GOT LEAKED TO THE ENEMY.

Yeah, this is the_donald continuing its online smear campaign trying to get the movie led by a woman, a black man and a Hispanic man to tank. Keep living in the real world and you’ll be much happier.

Lol who knows if the franchise will...survive

Honestly I’m just glad it wasn’t Comcast

i mean, I’m not from Alabama but judging the data you’re posting, your blanket statement is throwing 27% of white men and 35% of white women under the bus here. Obviously nobody is asking you to get down on your knees and thank them for voting the right way but maybe don’t shit on them either? Is that too much to ask?

I think I’d rather Thanos have it.

I already own SSF2T HD Remix and 3rd Strike Online Edition on XB360. If Capcom had ever just allowed them to be given backwards compatibility on Xbone I’d still have them now.