
I like Neverwinter. I like the lore, I like the exploration, I like the dungeon raids, I like the campaigns, I like the events, I like the races, I like the guild system, I like the way you can trade earned-in-game currency for the paid currency so that nothing is truly beyond a free player’s reach, I like pretty much

I too enjoy etymology

Source on those KGB counterespionage charges?

White person here. I would be inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt insofar as I’d assume he was simply trying to start a conversation on how someone like himself could get the proper perspective on his privilege, how he could relate to statistics that don’t line up with his life experience. I would assume

Here’s my question. Since Saiyans have this thing where they get significantly stronger after surviving fatal injuries, is that how normal Saiyans increase their S-cell count? It would kind of make sense that that’s how Goku and Vegeta did it.

Here in Ireland we were quite happy to discover that Obama’s family history includes Ireland and it was A Big Deal and the town that part of his family’s from opened a plaza named after him and everything. There was a song called “There’s Nobody More Irish than O’Bama”.

Hamill’s voice sounds older now.

I think a Wonder Woman game would be easier to pull off. No flying, bracelets could be used to make an interesting “bullet parry” mechanic at range, God-of-War-style combat in close quarters using sword and shield, and lasso of truth to recreate the Arkham series’s interrogation mechanic. Set it during WW1 and the war

Judging by events in The Defenders, Misty Knight will be becoming more superheroic very soon. In Luke Cage Season 1 she also has a very interesting character arc that examines her attitude towards being a cop whilst also being a black woman who doesn’t trust the system to do the right thing, and her struggle to

Now I’m weirded out that Tarantino has always worked with the Weinstein Company and his movies always have fetish stuff in them and in Basterds he stood in for Waltz in the (now in hindsight vaguely erotic) strangulation scene where the actress says she legitimately couldn’t breathe

Yeah Beckinsale’s account made sense, if I were a young actor dealing with a producer who wanted to have a meeting in a room in his robe, before this whole fiasco I’d probably have thought “I guess the stories of Hollywood rich dudes being eccentric are true”, like maybe he just liked informality. It’s one of those

Dude, I was rooting for you until you turned this corner here. It’s not women’s fault that they get spooked easily when men come on too strongly and unexpectedly. Just like it’s not your fault that you find it difficult to know exactly how to approach women. They are how they are and you are how you are and so long as

Yes, here’s my quandary: the Prime Material Plane (aka the dimension/planet you play in/on) has two “echoes” called the Shadowfell (referenced in Stranger Things) and the Feywild. The problem is the Feywild is an entire dimension/planet that mirrors the main world but with more colourful/vivid/impressive flora and

That’s the one thing that struck me about ToA: the intro seems to assume you’re not FROM Chult unless you have the “Outlander” background. The “default POV is non-Chultan” is a presumption that does really make it unsurprising that no black people were directly involved in developing it.

I could be wrong but after some brief googling it seems that Chult is not the only “African” nation in the Forgotten Realms setting: that entire peninsula is. Well, I SAY peninsula, but after the Spellplague it’s broken off and become an island. The nation of Samarach, for example, is a hermit nation walled off by

In the interests of encouraging WotC towards the type of stuff you like, I think it’d be helpful to maybe write an article on the community-written adventures on the DM’s Guild that exemplify the sort of innovation you advocate. WotC have started a program where they publish selected adventures by community writers

Masterclass in sarcasm right here, I love it

I don’t get it. Illegally entering the country is illegal. It’s illegal because:

Clever of Lohan: she might get a career revival if/when Weinstein gets off