No, Four Swords and Minish Cap were GBA, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were DS, and A Link Between Worlds and Tri-Force Heroes were 3DS
No, Four Swords and Minish Cap were GBA, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks were DS, and A Link Between Worlds and Tri-Force Heroes were 3DS
With an almost-unique blend of incompetence, despicability and narcissism, it’s like we can almost imagine what it would be like to be ruled by an elderly King Joffrey
Difference is, Wii U was a completely different console to the Wii, but the name made many consumers think it was just a high-spec version of the Wii and so they didn’t need to buy it if they already had a Wii.
I feel like the idea that “POC being geeky is surprising” is kind of a parochial attitude. To me, it seems obvious. I’m a fan of Street Fighter, a community where white people are the minority and that’s not just the obvious Asian players - players like Ryan Hart, Snake Eyez, and Dieminion are easy for me to think of…
Targaryens have a tradition of polygamy
Fair point!
Yeah, calling Trump to stop Putin sounds like a solid plan
It’s not so much an “all Americans have this attitude” comment so much as a “people who have this attitude tend to be American” comment. It’s kind of something the international community has observed that in America, “law and order” requires one to be “brave” by immediately taking a confrontational stance. Whereas in…
OK dude, your dick is huge and I’m very impressed.
You’re American, aren’t you.
I think what we can learn from the Manning fiasco is a refresher on a tenet of Sun-Tzu’s in The Art Of War:
Obvious solution is put him in a tag team with a talker. Badass and smartass, like they did with Batista and Eddie Guerrero. Or an odd couple pairing, where the humour comes from Shinsuke reacting to his partner’s shenanigans and/or vice versa.
Probably not as bad as n00bs make it out to be
Meh - anyone who’s that annoyed by his cockiness should take solace in the fact that despite a series of championship reigns, he hasn’t actually done anything that memorable or interesting and a few years after he retires and gets his obligatory HOF photo op, people won’t really care the way they care about Hulk or…
SSF4 didn’t even cost that much on release day. $40 is ridiculous
I’m from a small town with one pokestop. When I moved to the city, because I’m in the suburbs, I’m actually even further away. I’d have to walk for half an hour to reach one.
Except it actually is free. You can spend money to buy more poke balls... or you can just head to a pokestop. The pokestops refresh every couple of minutes so even if you only have one nearby you’re gonna get poke balls.
For a free game, Pokémon Go is pretty amazing
You’re welcome