
We’re still trying to figure out if that was a better or worse decision than Dustin the Turkey

She has good taste in games, I’ll give her that! Also I like the “people shouldn’t be worried about numbers and should just enjoy themselves” attitude. Seems like a cool person you could have a beer with!

“It’s the whitest thing ever”

My favorite is “Hypothetical Perfect Person Memorial Elementary School”. Bit on the nose, but better makes the point the others are trying to make.

This is the male equivalent of stuffing your bra or something

I think the point was that the NRA should be going nuts that this guy was shot for exercising his right to carry

Honestly I’m flabbergasted this hasn’t been done already. Seems like a pretty obvious choice

So would it be fair to say that America doesn’t support anything? I can’t think of any issue that 100% of people agree on. Heck, people don’t even agree on the importance of breathing, given that murder and suicide exist. Are you arguing against the idea that a country can support anything? An interesting point of

Popular vote isn’t how America decides things, though. I’m not playing and you’re ignoring every other point I’m making because “Clinton won the popular vote”, which unfortunately doesn’t actually count for anything. The whole point of the electoral college is so that the more populous states can’t bully the more

It was a very prominent platform of Trump’s and he got elected on it. So yes, objectively speaking, America DOES support it.

Recent enough memory for...? You? Harboring grudges that aren’t your own is going to make the world worse, not better.

Excellent. We’ve conditioned you to hate millions of people you’ve never met, pre-judged on the behaviour of a subset of them, most of whom you’ve also never met but have read about on the internet (e.g. this article). All we need to do now is turn that tendency towards prejudice in a racial direction. I see you later

Cool story bro

Manga has always had a lot of cases of one being really popular so its style becomes the new “norm”. That’s why it tends to be easy to guess what decade a work is from.

The style is intentionally deformed.

Because “don’t believe everything you hear or read” is an invaluable lesson that only gets more and more important as the Internet becomes more central to our lives.

You guys have to disclose when an article is a paid advertisement, right?

First picked up on Wolfkrone back in the SFIV days when he was playing Viper, who’s a character I’ve NEVER managed to be any good with, so I always respected the fact that he had the skillz to pay the billz.

Or even “Tasty” Steve Scott