
You have a point. And yet, I get the feeling that summarising “48% of young white voters voted Trump” as...

Just to be clear, we’re now OK with high percentages of a demographic holding views considered regressive, to be justification for haranguing the entirety of that demographic? Is that the lesson we take from this?


I feel good in the knowledge that I waited.

I didn’t have many subscriptions on YouTube but I was a JonTron subscriber.

Seems pretty obvious to me that he heard they were taking Skyrim as an inspiration and thought to himself “I bet I can glitch this game out in five minutes”.

Yeah I just recently lost all the save data on my 3DS because a single block on the SD card was damaged (I couldn’t even delete files, and transferring to a new SD card didn’t work. Fortunately, the Pokémon collection I’ve been amassing since the days of Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald was saved on the game card on Sun, and in

Now playing

White Folks Can’t Just Come to the Cookout Because They Perform Blackness

Your reaction is an understandable one. Let me share some of my perspective on this.

Yeah it DOES bug me that people get so precious about memes. The very definition of a meme includes the fact that it mutates beyond its original form. You can’t have a black Santa but then complain when white people (or Asian people in Nintendo’s case) use memes that originated from a black person. Culture is meant to

Oh, and: he managed to persuade his party to make a fort (which they cleared of elemental cultists) their base of operations and we’re taking in refugees from villages devastated by the cult. On-Wen is attempting to establish himself as a regional power so that he can marry a lady so that his descendants can be proper

I created my character by rolling dice for almost everything, from race, sex, sexuality, background, weight, height, etc.

I have never heard of Angela hill but I am now keenly interested in whether she wins plus I am also drunk lol

Having played Donkey Kong Land, I think it should be called Big Ape City

Thank you for allowing me to start my day with a genuine laugh

Is it too late to elect Frank Underwood?

Putin already has people in the crowd making sure Trump does as he’s told.

Nintendo fanboy here. Owned a NES, a SNES, a GBC, a GCN, a GBA, a DS, a DSi, a Wii, and a 3DS. Never got a Wii U, as by the time it had games I wanted, people were already talking about the NX. I was all set to buy a Switch as I really wanted BotW, until they announced the details of the subscription service. I don’t

New head canon: Bowser and Peach are divorced after Peach left him for Mario. Peach got half the kingdom, Bowser got the other half and custody of the kids. Bowser still misses her and tries to get her to spend time with the kids sometimes. The new stepdad Mario invariably shows up to take her home so they can go back