
Luke it is imperative that Kotaku asks Nintendo to clarify what happens to your free game after a month

No significant launch titles other than Zelda? What about Splatoon 2 and Mario Kart 8? They’re basically new titles for anyone who didn’t get a Wii U (read: everyone)

It’s Liberty City/Vice City/San Andreas, buddy. That car gets stolen as soon as you turn your back on it.

Have you PLAYED Drawception? Waluigi’s a king in that community. Him, Robbie Rotten, and Yellmo.

Your argument becomes less effective when you remember that a lot of people wanted Bernie

Right there with ya, buddy

This is a real person? Looks uncanny valley to me

If you’re watching a late night talk show host expecting sensitivity and respectfulness you’re gonna have a bad time. Those things are antithetical to comedy, basically. If it makes you feel any better, he almost certainly doesn’t mean any of the stuff he says when he’s on camera.

Now playing

I would LOVE for whoever the “Conan” is to be paired with Dara O Briain as a “games literate” co-host.

If he wasn’t dismissive of the medium it’d have to be called “Enthusiastic Gamer” or something. The entire format is “person who doesn’t get games, playing games”. The whole appeal is seeing games through the eyes of someone who isn’t massively familiar with a franchise, drawing attention to absurdity we’ve become

Ah, OK. Well I still don’t think it looks good, but I forgot that game jam teams often don’t have an actual graphic artist and have to make due. For someone who isn’t actually an artist, that’s not bad

Yeah I’m getting annoyed by the “intentionally blocky” look so many indie devs are going for these days. Some games, like Shovel Knight, pull it off. Most don’t. They just look crappy for the sake of looking crappy.

The guy’s probably upset that he had to budget for a few years to afford his yacht

Anthony Jeselnik

I feel like “making men angry” is not a great reason for opening yourself up to weight-related health problems

Rape, ya doofus

Yeah this whole article reminded me of my own adolescence and how girls were absolutely terrible at expressing attraction too, like I remember a girl grabbing my ass in the corridor and before I could even turn around I could hear a gaggle of girls cackling at me and I remember feeling humiliated. I also remember

If you’re a woman? Wherever you want.

Wtf no balls are not “fair game” on a sports field what the fuck it’s supposed to be a game that’s not cool

If Tom had done it just once, then “Please sir, don’t do that again” would have been a very supplicant way of “dealing” with him. If he had done it even once, he earned a nut punch. I don’t see how he earns less of a nut punch the more he does it