
Not sure. Presumably he’s pretending he’s playing NBA Live and controlling his teammates - implying that the opposition have really bad AI? *shrug*

Stay independent, Playtonic. Stay independent.

He’s not the only one! It’s a normal thing to be attracted to, so long as you don't go full lech about it

No, in many areas of life one chance is all you get.

If a hacker is able to freely install programs on your computer, getting banned from a video game is the least of your problems.

Fair enough, but:

Papers, Please could make a good art house movie

Dracula Untold was basically Lords of Shadow, if that helps. I liked it but it didn't do very well.

Problem is that nerds are the target audience, and most nerds would rather torrent than pay for a cable package/streaming service. Movies can be torrented too but nerds still like the actual act of going to the cinema so it doesn’t hurt revenues quite as badly.

This is sadly true which is why Big Boss is an interesting character

What the actual fuck

The script for Alien was written as unisex - the characters were only given surnames, so that the scriptwriters could tell prospective producers “you can cast pretty much whoever you want to chase whatever demographic”. This process resulted in Ripley, one of the strongest female characters in all of science fiction.

While there’s nothing wrong with being a model and getting paid for it, I do agree that it’s very different from cosplaying for love of a character. If I were organising a convention I doubt I’d prioritise models in the budget. I’d wish them every success, but geek culture has enough of a bad reputation in terms of

Never heard of him/her. Is he/she new? Do they have a screen name that they're known by?

I have difficulty thinking of pro Street Fighter players who are white. The pro scene has plenty of Asian and black players, a decent amount of Latinos, a couple of middle eastern players like Latif, but white players? Drawing a blank here.

It’s OK Popplio; they all made fun of Rudolph’s nose too

I’ll probably hold off until I find out what the post-game content is. Is it too much to ask for a Battle Frontier like the one in Emerald?

Cap and Stark were both well aware of what he was trying to do: he basically told them in his “nation that crumbles from within” speech. It just didn’t matter to Stark: he just found out that his parents were murdered, not accidentally killed, that Cap had known all along, and that Cap had torn the Avengers apart and

True, but:

I remember something more along the lines of “I know you’re away on business, but please try to make it home in time for [I forget what it was but it was important to the son]”. Am I misremembering?