
So I guess this means no backward compatibility on Xbone

When your nuclear deterrence strategy is to make the USA look at you and think “shit, maybe a pre-emptive strike is the only way to be safe”, you’ve fucked up.

But it’s not back in the day; its 20 years later.

This has little to do with anything but I just REALLY love the Daredevil logo. Remember a year ago when people were complaining it would be too comic-booky?

And on further inspection, Ken’s HK Tatsumaki is completely different now

I’ve noticed Marvel are doing that a lot lately - experimenting with art styles so far from realist that they’re practically cubist. I like it. Like for instance what they did with She-Hulk (although I live in Ireland and we’re about a year behind in the comics so I dunno if they’re still using that style).


If you only ever play as Ryu vs Ken or Ken vs Ryu, yes. In all other cases, no. In fact, not even for Ryu vs Ken, since V-Skills are different from focus attacks. It’s not like you can FADC anymore, which makes Ryu play very differently (no more SRK->FADC->Ultra, which was his bread and butter in SF4)

I think Japan has China edged out, what with the “test” missiles NK likes to fire in that direction

Yeah, that’s what I mean: making a deal now (rather than losing the rights after X years and getting nothing... or worse, making another FF movie and losing money on it, THEN doing nothing and the rights reverting) is the better plan for Fox. I imagine Marvel have already made several offers and Fox feel like they’re

They’d be better advised to sell all the FF rights back to Marvel. FF doesn’t really tie in to the X-Men in any way other than Franklyn Richards. They make more sense inhabiting a universe that has the Avengers in it. Marvel would definitely love to use all the juicy villains like the Skrulls and Galactus and Kang etc

If X-Men and FF lie fallow for a while, that can only be a good thing. When they eventually do return they'll feel fresh.

What country is it? If you spread the word, Ashcraft can update the post to let others know and maybe we can make a list of which countries are eligible right now and which aren’t. For example, I’m in Ireland and it worked for me.

This isn’t the 90s anymore (or even the 00s, and we’re more than halfway through the 10s) and there’s absolutely no harm in trials telling you the kinds of things you can practice or when they’re useful.

What’ll really make the world of difference is a progression of the idea of a Trials Mode. What they did in SSF4 was great, but there was no insight of “this is useful in this situation” and they only taught combos, without other useful things like crouch techs or “how to handle it when your opponent uses an attack

There’s another thing that was missed:

You know those wacky Japanese ads and shows where you just have to wonder “wtf is wrong with the Japanese”? Now imagine somebody from Korea watching Conan O’Brien and skits like the Masturbating Bear and Triumph the Insult Comic and what they must think of westerners.

It’s really only hitting me now how Joker will be stuck like this for however long the DC Cinematic Universe lasts. Like, if they make seven more Batman movies Joker will still look like this on the seventh. It’s making me want the DCCU to fail. And I don’t want to want it to fail.

Have you read Kevin Smith’s interview of Paul Dini where Dini explains how toy makers absolutely don’t bother with girls and shows will get cancelled if they focus on girls too much?

You’d think the only two quantities of visible vagina that would matter in judging what age rating something should get would be “zero” and “more than zero”.