
There’s a difference between explaining that an employer isn’t meeting your needs in various ways (e.g. you’re at a stage in your career where you think you should be earning more than what they’re giving you) or that you “didn’t sense much potential for career advancement there”, and going into minute detail about

He's also seemingly some kind of android, since hitting anyone else with an electric attack shows you their skeleton, whereas he shows some kind of exoskeleton...

I did mention that, and it might be how she’s treating it too. If she really saw the relationship going anywhere, she’d probably have framed the revelation more as “you’re probably going to hear this from someone eventually so better if it’s from me” and less as “stay away from me; this is what I do”. So maybe she

Well, he can do that too, hypothetically. He doesn’t HAVE to, but he COULD. Depends on him. Personally I’m not a big fan of using another person to get my jollies and then throwing them away like a Kleenex - if it’s what both people want that’s one thing, but pretending you want a relationship when you have no

I’m not saying he needs to not care about her. They CAN have an open relationship and care deeply about each other. I’m just saying don't expect anything.

To Sick to my Stomach:

Even THAT’S not that weird. I know people like that

What would be interesting would be if they did a Crisis event where the JL meet up with refugees of a hundred different universes and are shocked when they discover that in basically every universe except this one, Superman becomes power-mad and takes over the world. One or two Supermen conquered their own universes


European here, interested in American politics. I don’t understand the “Hillary is more electable” angle. It seems to me that all moderate voters have started to drift away from the GOP for the last few elections and therefore the only GOP voters left (or the majority anyway) are those who were always too far-right to

It’s now starting to make sense why Google experimented with DeepDream; Go is considered a “visually artistic” game where certain “shapes” are good and certain others are bad. I get the impression that AlphaGo broke down board states into “pieces”, with each “piece” representing a commonly-understood shape in the

That's why I said it wasn't a rhetorical question: I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page

Genuine non-rhetorical question: do you understand that:

MKX character DLC was farcically overpriced, especially considering that they were characters nobody had really clamoured for. SFIV character DLC cost HALF of what MKX’s did, and included new stages and/or new ultra combos and new game modes. DLC exists and the SF DLC was exactly the kind of “continue to support the

That’s reasonably accurate, but it should be noted that a major reason that each game gets less hated as it gets older is because Zelda is a largely puzzle-based franchise and you only really get “the experience” on the first playthrough. Since each game in the franchise has simpler and simpler puzzles, on a first

Life tip: If you’re going to go for “too soon?” humor, at least make the joke funny. “If he murders his wife then who cares” isn’t witty enough to warrant the dickishness and is basically just being an asshole for no reason

I think Benoit was an education for the WWE in terms of “repeated head injuries should be considered deadly serious”.

That’s fine in theory but in practice it just gives the impression (and I’m going to stick with the X-23 example) that she wasn’t a popular enough character as herself on her own terms so they needed to give her Wolverine’s name and costume to “improve” her. I mean, I’ll be the first to acknowledge that perhaps “X-23"

Oh I agree. A Swedish family I know couldn’t stand living in a hellhole like Sweden that constantly violates their basic rights and so they moved to North Korea where at least the government has its priorities in order. Afterwards they sent me letters telling me how great it was, especially the education system, which

Yeah I heard the Swedish government has already disappeared several journalists and regularly deals with protests by bludgeoning the protesters into comas.