
That was my reaction after my first viewing too. After my second viewing I realised that although it reuses some CONCEPTS, the way it uses them is in all fairness a vastly different story from what we saw before. And in a lot of ways, it actually improves on the movie it’s “imitating”.

1. A lot of it is background music that reuses the usual leitmotifs but there are a few new gems including “Rey’s Theme” and “The Starkiller”

“Dear Gamers,

You know what? I’m still holding out the faintest glimmer of hope that the Kojima fiasco is all another really elaborate fakeout and at the “end of Kojima’s contract”, he’ll make a big announcement that the ending of MGS5 will be free DLC and that Silent Hills is finished and will be in stores the next day.

Kingpin probably just spritzes himself with pheromone blocker every morning as a matter of course

Doom bot does in fact seem the most likely way Doom would deal with Purple Man.

Even if emulating the PS3 is virtually impossible, is there a reason that the PS4 is incapable of emulating PS1 and PS2? If I have a PS1 copy of Metal Gear Solid, is there a reason why the PS4 is completely incapable of handling an almost 20-year-old game? Running an entire virtual PS1 inside a PS4 should be

If you read alliterator’s “that must suck for you” post again, you’ll notice that they’re reacting in the same way every fan will react when you diss their favorite character. If you’d told me you hated Daredevil, I would’ve joked that you obviously have no joy in your soul. It’s banter. If you go around saying you

I like the idea but I could do without the lipstick. She’s not picking up guys, y’know?

Was the movie really that bad? I mean, it wasn't the best movie ever, but neither was Jurassic Park. It was still a decent way to pass two hours.

It’s also vaguely Mass Effect-ish, except without Reapers. Set it before first contact with the Turians and utilise more astronomical detail in the galaxy (the geography in the ME series is currently very broad strokes) and you’ve got Sagan’s game.

I mostly just wanna see her bicker with Michael Douglas and boss Evangeline Lilly around! Then if Scott and Hope get hitched then it’ll all be one super family (especially with Cassie eventually being Stature and all - I’m sure there’s a joke about “our family just got a little bigger” in there somewhere)

Eh, I'm sure some handwavium will be involved

Sorry to disappoint you by not being a perfect strawman, but I’m not religious either. I just don’t like people going around implying that the world would be better off without people like my parents and grandparents.

Somebody please cast Jamie Lee Curtis as Jan van Dyne in the Ant-Man and The Wasp movie

What has led to a lot of war is the assumption that other people have “wrong” beliefs and if they refuse to learn then the world would be better off without them. So yes, the “eliminate religion” opinions expressed so far do in fact fit into the “causes war” category. One doesn’t need to be religious to start a

Ah, OK. I see what’s going on. When you said “a fun-fest doesn’t need realism to be good” that’s what I was responding to - that maybe it doesn’t NEED it but it might give it a uniqueness that stands out in the memory if done right. I thought you meant that a realistic art style was antithetical to fun in general.

Yet another way Hollywood has given us unrealistic expectations :P

Well let’s look at the Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are ostensibly similar, using the same game engine and many of the same tropes and thematic elements. And yet the differing art styles give the games drastically different atmospheres from each other.

Art never NEEDS to be anything - that’s why Picasso, Monet, Van Gogh et al are revered. But just because you CAN make something unrealistic doesn’t mean it can’t benefit from realistic. Just because I like Paul Klee’s highly stylised work doesn’t mean Caravaggio’s realism doesn't have its own appeal.