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Two things: judging by her own quotes, Albarn was probably right in that she IS insecure. Not that there’s anything wrong with that - we all are to some extent! Maybe that and the “middle of the road” comment were meant in the sense that he wants her to be more confident in what she writes and comfortable with her own


I bought MGS5 because 1. it’s a good game and 2. I didn’t want “last game was a flop” to be on any of the dev’s CVs now that they’re all unemployed. I feel comfortable completely ignoring this next instalment, however, because any dev that works on MGS6 despite everything that’s happened is obviously not doing it out

I myself prefer when there isn’t a “party line” and people put forward their own opinions. Don't you?

Was it Fahey that said that, or someone else? Gawker writers disagree with each other a lot. On io9 there were two articles about Return of the Jedi where the second one directly criticised the first one.

Congratulations you have officially worn out that punchline

In my experience, a good party makes all areas of your life seem happier for a little while. Like if you got lucky you'd spend the rest of the week with a smile.

I have no idea what you just said. Care to rephrase?

Really? A military dick-measuring contest over how mad you can get? Really?

Yeah apparently he quit because he didn't like being angry for a living

IMO it’d make way more sense for Carol to be called Major Marvel.

Yeah, Civil War was actually pretty wrong for just about every character. I expect eventually they'll retcon it that Red Skull put something in the water to make them all act temporarily crazy or something.

Why would I want to make it so that I find everything boring unless I’m high? You’re basically arguing that taking LSD would make a person incapable of just enjoying life? Why is that something I'd want? You're not really selling me on this.

Being sober isn’t boring and if you genuinely think it is then you probably have a problem developing.

Well RotJ kind of defined the whole story of Star Wars for 16 years (as in, every movie in the trilogy had its entire meaning changed by the revelations of RotJ), so if it was really as bad as you say, how did Star Wars get to be so popular? I mean, the prequels were some of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in a

So wait, the end is standard Hollywood cliche BECAUSE it doesn't have the good guy defeat the unrepentant bad guy while spouting a one-liner?

Yeah I've been saying that for ages! What'd be best is if it happens at different speeds for different people, like Jessica can resist it for a while but he keeps Hannibal Lecturing her and she starts finding his points more convincing as the camera sees him slowly with more and more of a purple tinge.

They had already made a big deal out of “if the world sees Sahelanthropus, we’re all doomed!”. Then it flies off and that's not a problem?
