
Yeah they filmed the scenes he was in in Ireland. They filmed at the ancient ruins of Skellig Michael. It’s basically a hermitage.

Well, it DOES explain the apparent contradiction in the endings of MG and MGS4. Plus it gives new meaning to Otakon and EE’s story in MGS2. Plus it fleshes out certain character motivations from MGS. And explains some inconsistencies in how Big Boss has been portrayed over the course of the series.

You didn't think that there was a massive loose end left dangling?

Chapter Two, not Mission Two.

That picture is so sleazy I can practically see grease oozing from my screen

Except Sony has the rights to Gwen too as evidenced by her appearances in SM3 and ASM 1 and 2.

Not sure if you're criticising Muslims not playing nicely with Americans or Americans not playing nicely with Native Americans. Are you afraid Americans will be treated as badly as they've treated others?

On the other hand, the last time a massive influx of immigrants overwhelmed America, they got called Founding Fathers.

Are you saying that since 1989 you lost the ability to recognise numbers? It’s easy

Not really, because plenty of parents aren’t terrible and so when they do their jobs right, Nintendo’s system works. It’s a pretty simple concept.

If you have free and unmonitored access to the Internet and can post your personal details for all the world to see, then that’s on your parents, not Nintendo. If your parents let you play with matches Nintendo can’t prevent that either, y’know?

So what? This isn’t meant to be a smartphone. It’s a child’s toy, and therefore is designed to make it difficult for pedophiles to contact children.

Both of you guys give me faith in humanity

This seems like a plausible explanation.

... the Berlin Wall came down? You were born? A crack squad of commandos were sentenced to prison for a crime they didn't commit? What? You gotta finish your sentences, pal. Don’t try and finish mine cos mine WAS finished.

If you want to make things difficult for pedophiles, yes. You can click “send friend request” for any old stranger, but the only people whose friend codes you will know are people who you already have a way of talking to somehow. If a pedophile comes into your child’s life it probably won’t be through a Nintendo

Oh God it is, isn't it

No, it really isn't. Asking your friend for their friend code and then entering it is pretty straightforward.

I thought Kojima had been up front about making Quiet to sell more copies?

Just goes to show that Origins wasn’t given a fair evaluation by the fans. Origins wasn’t any buggier than Knight, it had multiplayer and Cold Cold Heart, and the story was even as good. The boss battles were great, especially Deathstroke and Bane. WB Montreal deserve more credit than they got. The only major