
What if I wanna show my friend level 5 real quick but he’s never played it before?

Being FORCED to complete the game in a particular order is sort of archaic, yes. If I bring my copy of the Avengers to my friend’s house and wanna show him the Iron Man vs Thor fight real quick, it shouldn’t force us to sit through the rest of it just because he's never played the movie on his bluray player or

One could argue anything if they predicate it on insulting someone

I'm told that Michael Jordan tried it for a while too

That would actually make perfect sense as to why they changed it

Why does Parker look like David Tennant

What are you talking about? I had never played them until Subsistence and they were great.

I don’t get it. Why is this a problem? I like the idea of FOBs: I can infiltrate varied maps where setting off any alarm will summon a human player trying to find me. The resource loss is necessary to motivate people to defend their bases, and if one doesn’t like this part of the game they can simply stay offline.

I think like that too sometimes, but then I remember that humanity’s greatest achievements have been due to people thinking outside the box, and such creative thinking is only possible because our creative sides are inspired by art. For example, think how many technological achievements have been modelled after

Well, it's not JUST funny pictures on the Internet, anyway

The stupid thing is, if Liquid had gotten all the dominant genes he would’ve been an exact copy of Big Boss.

Are Konami in a contract that obliges them to make PES games?

These hard levels also take a lot of skill to beat, so it’s an easy way to separate casual players from those who are dedicated fans.

Dude, given the hype around what Kojima’s going to do next, it makes absolutely no sense to waste the free publicity on an established franchise. If I were squenix and I hired Kojima, it’d be for a new IP of his own conception. However if Kojima’s going to do that, he’ll probably start his own studio (again) and keep

I like the way that P.T. exposed a market for games developed with an extremely limited amount of assets but rendered to nigh-photorealism, as opposed to open world games with thousands upon thousands of assets rendered kinda OK. It’s like, a project like that would actually be achievable on an indie budget, but still

Evo. Evo Moment 37. That’s what it’s called. It is known. What possible reason could there be for removing the Evo?

Well, before we get into that, your rhetoric is indistinguishable from the very DEFINITION of “concern trolling”, such that nobody here (myself included) would be able to tell if you were doing so or not. It does seem suspect that you would be as adamant against a notably left-leaning candidate for not being left

But what if I play The Force Unleashed and it spoils me on who Luke’s dad is?

Hide? No. Charge for marketing? Yes, like any business

I suppose that depends on who paid for the demo stand and what deal they have with Nintendo.