
Really? Because it sounds a lot like dude?

Deleting my comments are bullshit though. I’ve said nothing offensive and am trying to have a true dialogue with someone about probably the most important topic in America. Don’t be afraid of opposing view points that’s what prevents us from coming together in the first place.

And btw, I don’t know what being “pulled out of the greys” means. But anyway, getting back to the reason I came here in the first place: Mcgregor is going to get straight smoked in this fight. MMA is the purest combat sport in the world and he’s great at it, overhyped, but great but he doesn’t stand a chance in this

Maybe it’s because you’re sterotyping them and telling them what their feelings are. If you’re having trouble with people having prejudices and stereotyping you, you best not act like a total hypocrite and behave in the exact way you expect others not to act.

No you moron, normal white people are upset that these broad stroke comments encapsulate them and when they try to defend themselves people like you are like “STAY MAD WHITEY”.

Funny. When this country was “built,” slavery was widespread. In all your schooling, did you also happen to learn that we were one of the first modern civilizations to fight a war to end it?

I learned both of those things in elementary school. In the 1960s.

You’re being racist right now stereotyping what white people get mad about. #MindBlown

Wife is almost the same, possible celiac and dairy, she actually breaks out in a rash after eating if the food had gluten in it. She is being tested this week.

yessss! I have mixed feelings about fad GF diets. On the one hand, I used to literally have to make everything myself or eat bread that had the texture of cardboard (literally). On the other hand, people take my restrictions less seriously because they assume I’m just fad dieting (because I would chose not to eat

It’s just one of those things people get internet-mad about for no reason. Like cryptocurrency. Person A is totally unaffected by Person B’s decision about eating gluten, but they’re gonna fight online about it anyway.

First, calling everyone pointing out your bullshit a “dumbass” speaks volumes about you personally. Grow up.

I used to be kind of skeptical about people that claimed they had glucose allergies until I met someone who had suffered from it intensely. We had just made it through a 6 month training program for a new job together and we were being treated by our new manager at a relatively nice restaurant. Even though the food

Anything prepared with soy sauce may be contaminated with gluten, as can the fake wasabi paste. Imitation crab, mayo for tuna, and tempera can also contain gluten.

Well, you do have to bring your own soy sauce if your body is gluten-intolerant...

For people that complain about gluten-free options being disgusting, you should have tried it ten years ago when there wasn’t aisles in the grocery store devoted to it! Now we can make a lasagna where you can’t even tell the difference Source: Have family members with celiac.

This white person would like to see more people take a knee, thank their individual ancestors for all of their sacrifices and focus on the future of this country and how we can unify people rather than tear them apart with individual, bullshit grievances. But that’s just me.

So if the store is perceived as inefficient, management cuts staff with the aim of...?

Case in point: I found myself at about 9pm having to chose between not eating and KFC drive-thru, and I made the wrong choice. Anyway, I ordered a basic burger meal, and they said “oh it’s going to be about three minutes, pull around to the side.” I said “no, that’s fine, there’s no other cars, I’ll just wait here by

Holy cow, now this guy is causing people to lose promotions and raises and jobs?! Lol, people’s outrage and exaggeration is literally boundless.