Maybe the growing hostility to religion is because of religious extremists that shove their religion down the throats of everyone else? Maybe? Calling this guy a douche would be an insult to hygiene products.
Maybe the growing hostility to religion is because of religious extremists that shove their religion down the throats of everyone else? Maybe? Calling this guy a douche would be an insult to hygiene products.
No kidding. I’m glad it didn’t make waves. It needs to be normal enough for people not to care.
Yep. I know people who are only alive today because their mothers’ had abortions. Either because their mothers would have died or because their mothers would have been left infertile without an abortion of a futile previous pregnancy.
Go collect your check from Mr. Spanfeller, Herb.
I remember a quote from Ivana to the effect that after the kids turned 16 (18?) she turned them over to Donald to finish raising.
It’s like the concept car at the car show. It’s all about showing off and the engineering and the wow factor but you’re never going to see it on the street.
I am fairly sure Dr. Bernard always documents thoroughly, and consulted the legal team of her clinic before treating this child from another state, considering the current political climate.
This has always been the case. It is their job to investigate you and make sure that you aren’t actually going to burn anything down.
I don’t actually know anyone who uses those underwear. I’m not sure of their efficacy at all. I have an IUD that stopped my periods and it’s the second greatest thing to ever happen to me after my nespresso machine.
I am against 99.999% of all things Kardashian, and I read this and thought “wow, what an awesome thing to do with your 6 billion Twitter/Insta/WhateverTheKidsUseI’mOld followers”.
You should be alarmed at having such an emotional reaction to a tv personality
I agree that this article needs proofreading, but shouldn’t you use the adverb “really” to modify the adjective “sloppy”?
I have a lot of respect for her continued advocacy in this area. She does seem to use her profile for good when it comes to prison/sentencing reform.
I have no time for Kardashians but I’ll credit anyone using their celebrity to help right a perceived wrong. Presuming Torres has kept himself out of trouble for 6-8 months, then there wasn’t reason to deny him this, although I’ll also grant it’s the TX DOC choice to make and it doesn’t have to provide a reason. If…
I feel like Kris just wants to keep all possible income streams open, so she doesn’t cut *anyone* off. Maybe they will have a Kardashian Exes spin-off boot camp one day! Or maybe Tristan will have an uptick in his career and she wants to be in his good graces if he needs a new manager. It’s all under the guise of…
The relationship the Kardashians have with Tristan is so odd to me. I’m all for forgiveness and being grown adults for the sake of co-parenting or wanting to have this man in their daughter/granddaughter/niece’s life. But you gotta have boundaries with the motha f’er too. Like dude don’t send my mom flowers. Just come…
My husband’s family has a genetic blood disorder called protein S deficiency. It’s supposedly rare, but then again it’s not a common test, so who knows? My husband, his mother, his two brothers, his three cousins, and our daughter have it. My husband has had three blood clots as have his brothers. Certain types of…
I don’t think RU486 is used that often anymore; its active ingredient is only one half (mifeprestone) of the miso-mife combo that is most commonly used today. Sometimes only the misoprostol is used (that’s the one that induces contractions) because it’s a lot easier to get a hold of — it’s commonly used as an ulcer…
Well it sound like Britney owns the house, so maybe she should start collecting rent.