
I can’t take any more of this today. If anyone needs me I’ll be over at Kotaku decontaminating my brain.

“childbearing age”

Davis should also have to pay for the five day involuntary psych hold as well because 1) that stay is expensive and 2) he took that bed away from someone else who legitimately needed it. 

Looks to me like he’s speaking Sarcasm. There should be a font, so people who don’t speak it can tell.

is being held at Dauphin County Prison without bail after a district judge ruled there are no conditions Davis can meet to be released at this time”

Good.  A guy like this would absolutely be a danger to her if released.

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

If there were, he’d be on every Fox News show for the last week and the next two weeks, explaining how his white colleagues personally assured him they don’t even see race.

lol “foreign policy”. Okay. The closest Trump comes to talking about foreign policy is when his grievance du jour involves some foreign leader.

Tucker needs to lay off the botox. He’s starting to look like a tan marshmallow man!

I lived in Ireland during the 80s. I recall the ‘shopping trips’ over to England. And you’re right; there are going to many, many Savita-like deaths here in the States.  Frankly there probably already have been, but they’ve not been reported.

Normally I’d make some callous/sarcastic comment about bootstraps, but sheesh, this is bleak even for me.

Perhaps. But you may be over thinking it. This person is simply just a lonely piece of shit. Really not much else to it.

Cum needs to be legislated 

People like the poster you responded to don’t even care about abortion. They just pick a side (Republican) and see anything against liberals as a “score” for their side. Notice how he doesn’t address the actual issue of the article? It’s because he doesn’t actually agree with Brenna Bird, so decides to deflect

In fairness, if you’re hostile enough to the idea of women making choices or having bodily autonomy, you could argue that stopping them from exercising them is “protection”.

That literally never happened you moron

She is a very disturbed woman. I was unfortunate enough to be aware of what she was posting when the whole plaster cast blew up. She also sent DM’s to various women participating in the discussion, asking them to send her pictures of their genitals and asked them to pose it in a particular way so she could point out

That sounds really hard. I wasn’t aware there are medical tests for causes of thinning. What are they?

She looks like Elton John dressed her for brunch.

It’s a judgemental phrase about a 16 year old child. Why not frame it more as the scientologist church is terrified of Katie Holmes because she literally escaped from that marriage like an action movie superhero, secret burner phones and all.