
It’s much muuuuch worse.  Child marriage is legal in 46 states, with the lowest age being 14 in Alaska.

Really gross but google representative John Rose. He was like, 43 when he met his wife Chelsea - who was +/- 18 at the time.

Every conservative accusation is a confession.

Anyone who has ever spent more than an hour on crutches, can see by the way she has them adjusted if there just an accessory, or an actual mobility aide. I watched the clip once and the fact that they’re 4 inches too short to do anything but act as a push up bra, while wearing high heals, tells me that there’s some BS

Anna Chlumsky is really not a good actress—she has one character, which I would describe as essentially “Frazzled Work Lady,” and even that isn’t very good. It was plenty irritating in Veep, but at least she had less screen time in that.

I couldn’t get past Anna Clumsky’s acting and had to turn it off. Glad you were able to power through. 

When I read everything she did, all I saw were a bunch of really fucking stupid people with money being swindled. When you’re perceived as wealthy, people just seem to go dumb. I don’t feel an ounce of sympathy for the privileged idiots she duped.

Is Whoopi Goldberg especially liberal? It seems like she pisses liberals off at least as much as conservatives, including this particular example.

The difference is Whoopi is generally likeable, and can be really funny. Megan McCain is fucking annoying, unlikeable, and her comments and positions don’t really come from a good place.

True, but this is a “remove the plank from your own eye first” situation. Whoopi can be an asshole without her bitter former coworker, who is also an asshole, weighing in. But assholes gonna asshole, so I didn’t expect anything less from the disappointing daughter of the “last good Republican.”

The Whoopi controversy is taking up the space that should be given to the new Amnesty International report calling Israel an apartheid state - something almost all US media has buried.

Because it’s not. It’s an art form. It’s an incredibly physically demanding activity. It’s athletic.

DV crosses all races, religions, and socioeconomic classes. I’d like to have the small comfort of knowing that, if a partner beats me, they’re going to jail, especially since a lot of DV also involves stalking and harassment. I’d love to hear from women whose partners were ordered to go to counseling in lieu of jail. H

I feel like Khloe is providing young people with a service in terms of understanding the likely outcomes of situations. Tristan’s ex was birthing his child when he and Khloe started dating. One year later, she got pregnant with his child without any sort of commitment (engagement, marriage), he cheated on her, she

I find the K’s exhausting. My knowledge of them comes solely from Jez. Khloe’s treatment of Jordyn Woods was horrific and, when Woods got some sort of entertainment deal out of it, seemed just as performative as everything else they do.

Meh. Takedown articles about the Kardashians are a dime a dozen. I’m curious as to why this one in particular has you on the defense? They don’t get a free pass simply because they’re... women? Shitty and stupid behavior is still shitty and stupid behavior. 

I don’t think feminism means what you think it means...

Na, he’s just side-bragging about his spray tan.

I don’t remember who said it, but someone said of female politicians, “If a woman is smarter than him or he doesn’t want to f—k her, they won’t vote for her.”

I don’t doubt that the conservative hate of AOC is because she’s getting under their skin and they can’t date or fuck her into submission.

damn she knows it and i love her calling it out.