She’s New Zealands Billie. God even her name is similar. I’ve heard one of her songs in public and it sounded like Billie.
She’s New Zealands Billie. God even her name is similar. I’ve heard one of her songs in public and it sounded like Billie.
Menopause is great, once you’re through to the other side. There are downsides, like thinning hair, which then moves to your chin, osteoporosis, and that tire around the middle that wasn’t there before, but once I was done all the sturm und drang, I realized that I’d been depressed since I was 12 years old. All…
Imagine the lights from a thousand laser pointers zipping across the surface of the white house.
But what if we weaponize this irrational fear of lasers? Everyone should carry a laser pointer to mess with him everywhere he goes until he concedes.
That might have given him a coronary and spared us all.
If only the beams had been real....
Starred for “rage eating cheese”.
I’m so mad at Trump right now for ruining Thanksgiving for me, I can't even laugh at this simpleton misunderstanding lasers. I'm rage eating cheese. resonated a sorta defeated chuckle here then a realization this twat is/was President while side-eyeing my well used liquor cabinet with a sudden dry mouth.
I would have found this hilarious ten years ago, but now I’m just tired.
The Q-crowd should be pushed off that cliff..
I don’t see how we move forward as a country without bringing the Q crowd back from the edge of the cliff, and I’m all ears for ideas on how to do that.
The thing is, if you buy pie at one of the newer, expensive pie shops, they make the crusts look rustic/homeade on purpose. So that’s all she had to do.
What I love about that quote that it is so weirdly specific that it is almost certain that is the kind of stuff Ivanka and Jared talk about when meeting their friends. They legitimately seem like the worst mix of being boring, yet utterly convinced that they have so much to say.
Especially after her fatass father dies. Then it’ll be “oh I couldn’t upset him while he was alive...” And I’m sure she’s already coming up with point by point arguments for how she secretly worked as a liberal spy to get her father to change his mind about things. Then she’ll do a photoshoot where she’s dressed like…
Having lived in NYC for over a decade, a few of those years spent working on Wall Street, I have a very difficult time believing that the Kushners’ high society friends will actually shun them on a permanent basis. Some will, sure, and they’ll probably be excluded from a few parties in the first couple years, but…
Thank you so much for the info! The whorls and stones together are a really beautiful combination. And I’m guessing it’s also a pretty good conversation starter when you’re wearing it!
That’s gorgeous! Do you have any idea where that style of whorls originated, or what style these might be called? And I can’t tell— are they wooden or some type of ceramic or stone? What a special gift!
bread nice and toasty with a four-slice stainless steel convection oven,
bread nice and toasty with a four-slice stainless steel convection oven,