
I often think about how this compares to Bush handling 9/11. Bush didn’t do anything extraordinary - and people were pissed he kept reading that book to kids after he was informed of the first attack! But in the days, months, and years that followed - he simply verbalized sympathy and spoke seriously about his

Mr. E and I said this back in March. If he had just listened to scientists and backed basic measures like handwashing and masks, we wouldn’t have had the epidemiological Super-Fund disaster we’ve had, and he would have won. We said that we hoped he didn’t do the smart thing, and felt bad for hoping that he didn’t, but

The further away we are from his bout of Coronavirus, the less convinced I am that he actually had it. Considering his age and supposed co-morbidities, he should have been on a ventilator, even with the special cocktail made just for him.

Even less than that. All he had to do was step aside and let the scientists do science.

Exactly. In some ways I’m glad he is so incompetent. If he was, I couldn’t imagine the destruction he’d cause. Although, it’s all still so worrisome. I also fear his radicalized base. Even if he does get taken from the White House, kicking and screaming, I question what nefarious plans his base will have for Biden /

I had been thinking that even after all his screw-ups, if he had just let a second round of stimulus checks go through in October, the bastard would probably have won easily. It would have been the easiest, most half-ass measure ever, and he still didn't do it. 

I believe this as well. If Waddles had simply taken to the airwaves and given a generic “we’re all in this together” address the TV pundits would have spent the rest of the year breathlessly gushing about how he finally became “presidential”. But, Waddles being Waddles and all, he decided to base his “response” on his

I learned to spin with a wheel last year. I volunteer at a llama rescue and we have to do something with all that fiber we shear from 25 llamas every Spring!

I’m very surprised by how many people think there is a grand conspiracy at play here and the courts are simply letting it happen so her evil father can Scrooge McDuck dive into her money. She is deeply unwell (watch her IG videos) and the fact that she gets to go on trips and still sees her kids and use her social

It’s also normal for Jez to review/recap a new show or new film. Two weeks is plenty of time to come out with an intelligent review. Many other sites have done it with “Queen’s Gambit.” There was nothing at all on Jez for two weeks. “Bend It Like Beckham” was not the best example, but I’ve had a horrible couple of

it’s probably left over campaign money.

There is always a grift.

We really can’t afford to be dismissive of this, the way we were dismissive of Trump’s campaign in 2015. Or how we were dismissive of Trump fighting the Mueller investigation in the press.

The tone of this article is baffling and the content is a mess.

Seconding all of this! Although, I did notice the wallpaper, too— the sets were exceptionally staged.

Obvi a failed murder attempt on the part of his ex-wife. Ewwwwwwww!

I don’t know how you managed to notice the wallpaper; I spent the whole thing totally entranced by how pretty she is. Couldn’t stop staring. It also made me re-think my wardrobe in the way that only a really well done period piece can. I want every single dress. And all of those little ankle-grazing trousers. And a

Why not the Hague? Surely the situation on the border constitutes crimes against humanity.

Surrounded by the brown people! His worst nightmare!