I was there and very excited for the announcement, as were many others. It just wasn’t expected, the crowd was expecting thebheronannouncement at that point. Check out the dota 2 reddit, community seems overall very exxited about the game.
I was there and very excited for the announcement, as were many others. It just wasn’t expected, the crowd was expecting thebheronannouncement at that point. Check out the dota 2 reddit, community seems overall very exxited about the game.
I understand the impulse to believe people who say they were wronged, but refusing to even consider that they could be lying is incredibly naive and probably not a good way to adjudicate these disputes
The Palico looks dumb? Maybe you’re dumb. Palico are amazing.
Something important to note in all of this:
The, “I never asked to be a role model/hero/what have you” argument certainly feels like it should be salient, and it’s true, up to a point—sports figures of all stripes, traditional, e-sport, or otherwise, only ever asked for an opportunity to do what they do at a very high…
If your reasoning for something boils down to “yeah, well who’s gonna stop me?” chances are you’re just a bully.
Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit. …
Heather, nothing you wrote there answered the guys question : “The developer made the decision that they will make more money from those micro transactions than they will lose from people who are turned off from future purchases. That’s the same calculus that goes into any consumer product”
No. As in, when you turn on your steam link and choose a host it loads your desktop as opposed to big picture mode.
It’s highly unlikely that it was the KFC then. Most causes of food poisoning take days to start showing symptoms. The only one that comes close to setting in in a hour is staph but that wouldn’t last 3 days. It was probably something you ate a day or two before but most people just assume it’s the most recent thing…
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad. Take this anti-science shit somewhere else.
Do you know this guy, or does he just feel like an Eric?
Agreed. Asking a woman “do you play video games?” is not an assumption that she does not play video game. It’s the opposite. It’s keeping an open mind about whether she might play video games. If you had made the assumption that she does not, then you wouldn’t bother asking.
Back then, I read manuals on games that i don’t have, so i could imagine playing it...
Warlock summoning a Golem when he dies is the funniest sentence I’ve read this year.
I feel like most people pretty much understood that Glennon was simply a stop-gap when they signed him though. The people that were actually shocked and angered by this, probably don’t know a whole hell of a lot about football. Can’t just sign any shitty QB during a rebuild and put the entire workload on Jordan…
What about being honest, and asking questions to clarify and show the person you are talking to interest?
If it helps, the fact they are letting people outside of valve make any money off valve games, which is pretty unique among developers. Perhaps valve intended this to support hobbiest.
Hey, I like this response!
Right. But in the interest of ensuring that nobody is misled, I’ve changed the headline from “The Witcher’s Author Says He Doesn’t Get One Cent From The Games’ Success” to “The Witcher’s Author Says He Screwed Himself Out Of Profiting Off The Games.”