Phat Barkley

Gregg Williams is a bounty of bad takes.

The Big Lead: It Still Exists, Apparently™

I prefer the later morning show Screw You It’s My Day Off I’m Sleeping In And Don’t You Dare Make Me Do Chores All Day

Deadspin needs to dig a little deeper into this guy who bought three J.P. Losman jerseys. Jesus christ

No man, Nick Young. 

And I maintain this remains the only acceptable outfit for a head football coach


Here, I made this to help with the visual. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Getting old sucks

Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.

Are we sure that Jones and Info Wars have really been banned? Isn’t there a chance that all of these channels still exist, and fake “spokespeople” have been hired to explain the non-existent “bans?” Ask yourself: who benefits from a fake ban of Alex Jones and Info Wars?

Straight Class, Homie 

Good thing Don Beebe retired 20 years ago.

It’s always nice to see a new coach who acknowledges his program’s traditions. 


I guess it’s officially as serious as a heart attack now.

Because I hate getting stuck behind the people that are in row 5 but stop the whole line because they are:
1. Putting their bag in the overhead
2. Turning to put their travel companion’s bag in the overhead
3. Taking off their jacket
4. Putting their jacket in the overhead
5. Realizing that their book/tablet/phone/whatever

I mean...people don’t really need life hacks for the enjoyable part of parenting... 

I’m a frequent business traveler, (40 to 50 flights a year. 50-75,000 miles flown) and I love to be on the plane early for a few reasons.

Parents on one flight, kids on the other?