Phat Barkley

“What were you thinking when you were scoring those goals?

It looked like some kind of, I don’t know, fire drill perhaps?

There are two things I hate in this world: people who don’t appreciate other cultures and the Dutch.

Unfortunately, people in Portland don’t get to just forget about politics, because their city is the constant site of battles between armed white nationalists and those opposing them. Hardcore soccer fan groups have a very long and very storied history around the world of involving political battles in their fandom,

Wait, wait... Who are these people out there saying Geoff’s a good footballer?

“I believe it’s important to support our President whether he was your candidate or not,” Cameron told’s Grant Wahl.“

Copa? Copa ca-ban-him!

Jesus Christ, Laura! The body isn’t even cold yet!

Somebody should have informed them that

Y’know, I really wish someone would tell these sports entities to (checks notes) “stick to sports”...

Alexi Lalas stuck in an impossible-to-defend position? what are the fucking odds

“Told him he was bad at it” - Mrs. Hutchings.

“And Suzy died so bravely, filming the very tsunami that took her from us”

Old man yells at cloudbased ads

Thomas’s middle finger wasn’t all that hard to interpret

The 49ers offense looks like the bench players on a 20 team fantasy league roster

I say we incentivize throws at the head. He’s got a helmet to protect his brain. And he’s got that stick for defending from the onslaught of projectiles. You bean a batter in the head, you get a bonus point on the board. You can even add up to two extra pitchers if you want to throw a few balls at once. But then the

“Shaq, tell me how my cheese-covered feet taste”