
How do you lose a table?

Click his name and read past articles he has written.

Hey, those are probably the nicest streets in Detroit.

This is Jalopnik, not Arboristnik.

I’m not really sure how to respond to you when you’re using words with imaginary meanings.

Saw the original Truffle Hunter last summer at the Porsche museum in Stuttgart. I demand all Jalops put the Stuttgart Porsche and Mercedes museums on your Bucket Lists immediately.

“Pink Pig” ftw!

20 years old me: This is rigged! There is no way a freaking Kia would be faster, I’m getting a Mustang GT no matter what!

Not shown, was the Mustang beating the Stinger to the crowd by a full four seconds.

Too bad there’s not a livery beauty pageant part of Le Mans. They could have the crowd vote on best looking livery and attach a little “Miss Le Mans” ribbon vinyl on the car for the race.

That is very cool. Would have been even cooler on some 919s tho, just sayin kthxby.

Did you read the report? The Bolt lane changed left, the rider went by the Bolt before the change was complete, and the Bolt moved back before completing the change, clipping the motorcyclist.

Oh please, the people buying this thing think that climate change is a made hoax by the Chinese.

I’m curious how you would describe the target demo for this truck.

Vehicular manslaughter in Florida and most states is usually a six year sentence. There was a recent DUI manslaughter in south Florida in which a young woman went the wrong way up the freeway and killed two. Six years.
Note I’m not saying it shouldn’t be longer (I’d rather see 12-15) but I’m just saying that’s the

Life without parole for Mustang driver should be sufficient. Let the piece of shit rot in the darkest of holes.

Corvette owners were first skeptical about fixed head lamps, then skeptical about “Camaro” tail lamps. Then Chevrolet said “Here you can buy a Z06 and get it in both a convertible and automatic,” and then all of a sudden Chevrolet sold more C7 Z06s in the span of two model years than near all Z06s sold in both the C5

The hybrid model sounds like what Porsche did with the 918 3-4 years ago, except... not as good.

I just googled the word to make sure I didn't make a mistake. Looks like it checks out! I would have guessed "barbequoi."

Aw, you're a pal!