
Or in the midwest could be 100k.

Well, it would have been kind of awkward for him to create "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" without knowing her, lol.

Actually under that assumption of a social contract where we all pay for the next generations upbringing they are already doing their part and more. They pay taxes just like you do (hopefully, haha) and society as a whole pays for both of you to have a decent upbringing, but the only difference between you and Bill

Shut up, quit thinking.

That's so sweet! I bet family would love that too as a good memory.

What community? Most comments are just derailments anyway...

I spelunk.

I believe that this is the proper term. But I want you to do a favor for me, say "I have 100 lego" now say "I have 100 legos".

Oh, I'm sorry but being an ass on the internet is only valid once per conversation. Try again later, bro.


Nah, it is legos.

I'm just saying they really have no good reason to initiate a download. In most cases, it isn't even the producer of the media that sends these letters out, it is anti-piracy groups.

"Questions marks mark questions" You do know that grammar Nazis are hated, especially when bringing up grammar mistakes in an argument that has nothing to do with it.

I don't remember him saying he had nothing to hide?

When they connect to the swarm, they don't initiate a download. They only connect to the other peers long enough to get their IP addresses. Basically, they use specialized clients that don't have the ability to even download.

This is talking about getting to, because the country redirects dns lookups and ip addresses of those places. You dont actually download music (or anything from there) you download from peers, which aren't, in most cases, blocked by the government. []

I did this hack yesterday when I saw it on It didn't go without a problem, though. I removed the films from my 17" Dell lcd monitor, and they ended up being glued together, no getting them apart. So I ended up using a paint scraper to get all of it off quickly (don't worry, you won't scratch it up).

Looks like that is not true... since after 6-12 months you are still here. I hate the redesign as much as you, but sadly the content (though recently lacking) is still worth reading.