
Link to remove content from Google.

Dude, you're a douche.

Another conservative on gizmodo? What is happening?

Why is a random conversation so bad? Nothing like talking to someone new every once in a while...

Yeah.... not really at all.

I like this guy...

Ya great idea. I'll let you be the guy on US soil when we have no mutually assured destruction doctrine in place with other countries like Russia and (soon to be) Iran.

Blonde roast? You mean all the sugary non-coffee coffee they have there now?

I order no salt on my fries, then ask for extra packets of salt. Yeah, I get the stink eye.

Why do you care? Is starbucks commission based?

How else can they cripple their industry? I wonder why pirating is so popular... no drm, no stupid games on the disc, no FREAKING FBI WARNINGS, just me and my movie (and subtitles sometimes). Rent it at the redbox and then pirate it if you feel guilty.

He said percentage battery icon. It lists 1-100% on rooted android phones. I prefer this over a bar too.


I fail to see how asking them to be dropped into an active battleground, untrained and unarmed would accomplish anything productive. I think that group is angry over civilians being killed rather than them being in the marines.

After following Dropbox since the beginning, this seems very unlikely. They are a good company and it doesn't seem like they'd be very likely to bait and switch, especially to their beta testers.

He said Google Apps, it's a different "service".


Stupid article. Political correctness can bite my shiny metal *behind*!!

This is not made by Microsoft, why is that relevant?