
I don't speak spanish very well, but did they invent an 8th day? Did the old men create sunday? Thats funny xD

I just figured out why some gawker pages have been unresponsive to me! Adblock plus is a blessing and a curse lol.

It cute how you think everyone against hipsters is jealous. Not an excellent argument to sound less pretentious, but nice try.

That is the only exception that I care about. As a student, a calender isnt that important to me, but you better believe getting my paper from anywhere and editing it on the school computers is.

If one update after buying a brand new phone the software slows it down significantly, why would you turn around and do the same thing to yourself again?

Only on lifehacker does a debate about the word breadbox occur.

I LOL'd for real.

Whoah man cool it bra.

The point of trolling is to get an emotional response, and in that you failed. You were able to garner a response from me but I don't think many troll would consider it a win for you. Our perceptions of what trolling is must differ. I go by this definition from Wikipedia .

LOL, cool it bro. No reason to get mad.

Troll harder, bro. You are easily detectable on my trolldar.

I thought I was the only one on lifehacker like that. I just go to school and then back home to play videogames/netflix with friends. It is kind of depressing but I just need to work up the kahonies to get to the gym. It is surprising to me how many people are regulars at the gym on here — either I'm the only nerd

There can be no response if you are unwilling to listen.

For us with OCD the organization really helps! If grooveshark has better organization and more stable app than spotify it would be perfect to me. And you can download for free with []

I think he was joking.


Does the facebook chat popout not work for anyone else? I open it, it stays open for 5 seconds, then closes the tab.

Amen. I miss my old lifehacker *tears*

Seriously? I mean come on... SERIOUSLY, dude?

I guess you are mad. Seriously though, because the people are from China doesnt mean they cant afford food... they might just be lower class than you.