
I remember nobody taught Sigourney Weaver how to use a pipette, which kind of killed the character’s science credentials. (Hint: it’s not a syringe.)

It’s all about scoring points with dumb people.

Not that I have any reason to trust General Mills, but anything coming from a website called “” should be taken with a huge grain of salt. (self-selection bias, anyone?)

If they don’t actually include using the Hand and/or Eye of Vecna this season, they’re fools — that is an opportunity for some sublime body horror.

The Lego Movie, Into the Spider-Verse, and Mitchells vs. the Machines are three of the absolute best movies to come out recently. I really really wish we’d gotten to see what they would’ve done with Solo.

He is SUCH a joy to watch, I don’t care what he’s talking about.

I’d have to guess they plan to use them for recon, not actual battle.


A hacker is someone who gains unauthorized access to information or content.

Boba’s need for muscle to help his fight against the Pykes screamed for Mando’s presence.

why was Obi-Wan wearing his Jedi robes when he meets Luke in A New Hope?

Yeah, I don’t get it. When he made his grand entrance in The Mandalorian, he was in full-on badass mode. Why did they decide to make him a chump when they could have continued with the badass? It would have been easy. It’s such a bizarre choice.

The episode where they capture Krrsantan was where I thought they were

Beat me to it.

the greatest superhero movie of all time

It had its moments, but they were few and hugely overshadowed by the dumb crap like Chewie’s medal and the ancient dagger thing that magically perfectly lined up to the Death Star ruins from some random spot on a hill because the Force or something. And Wedge! JUST what I had been waiting for! I had to change my pants

That being said, in order to replace all the swearing they cut out, they added back in the octopus attack scene! I was always so confused about what the hell Data was talking about in the end.

Gentry Lee took the story in a completely different direction from Clarke’s original book.

After all, you have one group that dedicates years of their lives to building a game, while the other is dedicated to breaking that game apart as fast as possible.

That’s pretty hardcore for Disney but maybe.

lol, thank you :D