
I’m going to guess nothing will happen because the response from the rest of the state will be “Good, the urban socialists deserve it.”

The only logical explanation why future people would pull people into the future to fight is that Chris Pratt turns out to be the humpback whale in this movie.

Dogma, anyone? Gotta give credit where credit is due, Damon’s been playing Loki longer and in more cinematic universes.

Top. Men.

Wow. That looks like it works great for when someone isn’t moving and is standing with their arms at their sides. Good thing somebody invented this, I can’t imagine any other options for that particular scenario.

Climb the Giant Man was great for a roblox game and the POI information kiosks were pretty funny. 20 minutes well spent.

You’re not wrong. But most places I don’t have to sit right next to strangers for hours. But yeah, I’m going to be very selective for the foreseeable future.

We did the exact same thing! It’s been great :)

Yeah, fortunately it’s easy for me to say “fuck that”, because I’m just not that attached to seeing movies in an actual theater.

Yeah, fortunately it’s easy for me to say “fuck that”, because I’m just not that attached to seeing movies in an actual theater.

My god, thank you. I’m sure the totally rad kid who started all this probably meant ‘psychological warfare’ (which totally equates to ‘ha ha fooled you’, of course.)

Because, no matter what we think of ourselves, on a cosmic scale we’re all gone in a blink?

Ugh, tried to edit and the formatting got Kinja’d. Should be:

Oh sure, add it in later and make me look like a doof. I SEE YOUR PLOY.

I’m sorry. Did someone forget The Great Muppet Caper???? The man was a genius.

where every mention of “game” has been replaced with “experience”

“She’s a chicken”? Seriously? What adult talks like that?

There’s a resurrection queue? Interesting. Makes sense.

I watched the 1st half of it last night with one of my kiddos, it’s really phenomenal. Planning to watch the rest tonight.