Tbh, I’m just excited to see Worms Armageddon being mentioned. The original was one of my favorite games as a teen.
Tbh, I’m just excited to see Worms Armageddon being mentioned. The original was one of my favorite games as a teen.
but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy
He is a hardline conservative on most issues who is certainly more in favor of boots-on-the-ground interventionism than the mainstream, but he’s not a “shut down the government” guy, nor is he a bigot or a cretin. Yes, he holds Republican party line positions on every issue, and no, I don’t agree with any of them. But…
Lindsay Graham, though ever the belle of the ball, is an extremely dangerous radical and I hope this latest junket doesn’t convince people otherwise.
This morning on MSNBC, he said “If Trump wins, we’ll have to build a wall to keep people IN.” And then “John Kasich would beat Hillary by eleven points, so obviously he’s out.”
It doesn’t have to be good, it just has to make money.
So it is better than Rocky V.
You’d probably be better off watching the last 152 minutes of Tommy Morrison’s life.
Take Mary Jane off the Schedule I list and watch crime fall like leaves in October.
LPT: Don’t base your entire online persona around a slang word for feces.
The dev made out like a bandit though, it’s not like the $40 purchase price went straight into his pockets :P
I’m glad someone else had the same thought. Also just for shits and giggles...
I think a huge problem introducing the Punisher in the current day is that he is a character very much born of a certain era, as pointed out in the post itself. With a (hopefully) ever-increasing public sense of police brutality and intristic difficulties of criminal justice, a character whose central theme is that…
Clearly you’re not paying attention. They came down hard. That program got a really easy bracket and a #1 seed.
I enjoy the NCAA taking a harder stance on a leaked bracket than they ever did when a major program committed widespread academic fraud and basically made up a major.
As someone who just finally got a Wii U this year, that would make me quite sad.
Making a superhero film unlike a superhero film can work wonders for the property. Captain America was also a WW2 movie, and Nolan certainly did not make a trilogy traditional superhero film. I guess Thor was a bit different from your typical superhero film as well.