



Jesus I don’t want to do this...

*Should HAVE been you, terriblehuman

Touchy subject. I should have hung back. Whenever I see these beautiful models, looking perfect, I question the motive.

You are absolutely right. I was questioning their motives given their beauty and professional photographs. So sorry.

Not at all. I question their motives because they’re beautiful and professionally photographed. That is all friend.

I see beautiful models and photography, and question their motives.

I can’t decide if I should star your post for on-point sarcasm, or get mad at asshole non-sarcasm.

I can appreciate the effort that went into this. But these folks aren’t true fans, right? They’re just professional Cosplayers.

Windows 10 forces critical updates, regardless of your settings.

Microsoft has added in a number of additional ‘hidden’ plugs that still force the win10 update even when you have disabled the others...

windows 10 will update your computer whether you want it to or not, sadly.

In addition, Nintendo has announced that all the strongest legendaries can only be found in single specific locations, “to reward the true adventuerer.”

Because he’s said over and over and over that it’s not meant to be a multiplayer game?

I know most people are way more succeptible to hype than I am, so I understand all the worry that this might not “live up to expectations” - but my only expectations are that I get to fly around in a 70s scifi open world universe and dick around to my heart’s content. So I feel pretty safe assuming that’s exactly what

i have a suspicion that as the devs were play testing they came upon a world where everything looked like dicks...a strange anomaly in the procedural code, a 1 in 100000000000000000 chance random combination...a world with nothing but dicks everywhere. so they had to take it out and make sure that it could never

Yes, they are well below the legal limit for developing a game.

This has just ruined my day/week/month/(hopefully not)year. :(