Trash bag pokemon is dope.
Trash bag pokemon is dope.
100% Owl
It doesn’t have to be good, it just has to make money.
Pokemon Blue.
This game is everything to me right now.
It’s weird to do an article about the art in comics and leave the artists to a list at the end of the story.
Yes, please. Thank you.
But they look cool.
And remember that none of this will matter when the radroaches come.
I had a happy, productive society until a successive string of radroach attacks left me with 7 dead and my finances unable to revive them all. I’m also unwilling to release the dead so my living dwellers are pretty unhappy about trying to cook next to all of the bodies. Turns out the corpses also slow productivity of…
She is just a kid. A kid tagging along to some hellish awful situations.
Relatable dialogue is one of the best parts of the book. We’re looking at ourselves here.
One day, I was called into a meeting. I noticed the rest of my team wasn't getting up, so I took my time. I never got called into meetings on my own, unless it was a one-on-one with my boss. "We're waiting for you," I heard a couple minutes later. I walk into the conference room, and seated at the table were several…