Ah, I dig. Really nice of you to respond — thanks!
Ah, I dig. Really nice of you to respond — thanks!
Driver was definately channeling some of that Hayden Christiansen whinyness though— but doing such a better job of it.
Maybe someone can help me out: I still don’t know who Max Von Sydow played after seeing the movie.
I was wondering if anyone else noticed that the vader theme snuck up in that moment but was drowned out in the “good side” of john williams score as he turned around.
This. If she’s there, a lot of things are gone wrong and he’s got to get involved again after screwing up. Probably a tonne of conflicting feelings. Also, did you pick up on the touch of the Vader theme mixed in to the score as Rey approached Luke from behind. Chils.
I don’t really get this article: most of the stills in this article do actually appear in the film— just not with the same voice-overs as in the trailer.
It’s unnatural to augment rats to walk on two legs.
I just can’t wait.
I’ve already got tickets to see it twice.
Jesus. This looks like a big bag of awful.
I feel like the Funko Pops are putting too much effort into matching the disparate styles of the brands/ips they rep. I preferred the earlier more homogeneous toys.
It’s weird to do an article about the art in comics and leave the artists to a list at the end of the story.
I read TWD for like a decade and quit not long after the Glen incident. Everything just started feeling so cyclical. Tragedy, a brief respite, tragedy, a brief respite and so on forever.
Huh, well, I guess that changes all my feelings.
Watched Ant-Man last night and felt it did a good job as not feeling as same-samey as a lot of the other Marvel offerings.
Yes, please. Thank you.
I’m annoyed by articles about comics that attribute them to one creator. In this case no mention is made of Y co-creator Pia Guerra.
I’ve decided to be excited and optimistic.