
Uh yeah... Did you think otherwise?

Yes, and it’s intentional obfuscation to suggest otherwise.

It’s weird to me that a gaming website is constantly surprised at the existence of copyright law, and doesn’t seem to quite grasp that the law does not require that you make money off the infringement for it to be illegal.

WTF? Do you people not watch TV? CSI solves cases like this all the time in less than an hour with comercials.

It’s harder to justify cosplay with your taxpayer funded military equipment when looking for missing persons and rapists.

I’m far from a law enforcement bootlicker, but resources are a big factor for cold cases or newer cases where the leads have simply dried up. I really don’t think (in all cases) it’s that the cops don’t give a shit, it’s that other things start to take priority.

Even sadder than the QE is the condition and future of the SS United States, which is currently slowly dissolving in a Philadelphia harbor.

I think it’s much more likely that you’d find a person who left the house with less than a quarter tank of gas than a person with less than 25% charge on an EV.

Yeah, absolute statements are seldom accurate. 

Yes, but three guesses which model has the largest profit margin and will get prioritized.

The burning battery is a safety feature for just these sorts of below-freezing events. We can all warm our hands by the fire.

lmfao, and when jalopnik didn’t have the same issues as kinja.

I’m not saying it’s pretty, but that grill looks a hell of a lot better than the Lexus.”

I stub my toe and yell out all kinds of curse words. She got hit by a car and made zero FCC violations. Sincerely impressive.

Live on air, I’m OK, said several times

Third-tier markets like West Virginia always get stuck with older base model Anchorbots.