
The color drew me in. Disappointed. Just paint, not Rost. Hard pass.

Seems to me they’re just reminding the management how much easier it would be to outsource and be done with unions. 

Looks like a guy who roots so hard for The Empire in Star Wars movies that he even shoots like a Stormtrooper.

Go to the place where voting takes place, show them your ID and vote. That’s it.

I don’t get how voting is so hard?  Go to the place where voting takes place, show them your ID and vote.  That’s it.

Fuck the motorcycle guy. He could have called the police and waited from a distance, or just gone home. The crazy lady is at fault but so is he.”

America, baby.

Lady feels threatened by the guy who’s not even on her premises. She’s legally entitled to “stand her ground” and “defend herself” from the guy in the road waiting with other witnesses - the guy who is not even posing an immediate threat. She’s entitled by the state of Florida to use deadly force on a guy who’s in

Stand your ground doesn’t mean you automatically win. It also doesn’t give you cart blanch to do whatever you want and shoot your way out of it. I’m admittedly not up to date on stand your ground as we dont have it in CA but I dont think actively approaching someone not on your property with gun already pointed counts

...and keeping the king of England out of your face?

In fact, I’d have to do my research, but I can’t think of any traffic-related behaviors that merit a summary, public execution.

Sounds like the pregnant lady was off her rocker. She did a hit and run and then pointed a gun at at a guy who hadn’t even entered her yard.

I’ve never had a problem with either.

G/O Media

Sounds like the same kind of fun banter or back-and-forth I’d have with my friends, without anyone being a jerk and everyone in on the joke. Whole lot of nothing being played for minimal chuckles and clicks.

As above, it’s possible the bidding was rigged to overvalue the item. The other possibility is that an idiot with $3 million thought he had a brilliant plan and simply bid that amount. No other bidders needed to be involved except insofar as they said “too rich for my blood” and didn’t bid.

I’ll be beating a rug to get all the spice out from all the amounts of pulling I keep seeing in the nft space. Finding a “legitimate” business using blockchain crap is as comparable as House Atreides restarting melange harvesting operations: disasterous.

Perhaps he wants to renegotiate the price of the TruCoat?

“I am here to talk about my extended warranty.”

right, but you’re missing that he likely paid for the other 2 battery packs and the 3 motors. That 35K$ savings could be used on the battery packs, but you still have the motors at about 20k$ each. I think this is close even if you include the oil changes in an ICE.