Seriously - I live in a major metro a couple of miles away from Subaru USA’s HQ, and I’m yet to see one in the wild.
Buffet is famously hands-off with his holdings. He sure as hell ain’t telling the finance guy at a Nissan dealer in AZ to fluff up ad-ons...
Cab would be much cheaper - the question is if you’d be able to get one.
The air on an airplane is the cleanest most people will ever breathe.
Great article, but I’m going to nitpick (in the finest Jalopnik tradition). The last picture is of a 737-400, a plane Pan Am never flew - that image is from Pan Am II, an outfit that lasted a couple of years in the mid-90s.
I’ve got the CVT too. Curiously, this isn’t the first time I’ve had this conversation - some people seem to have gotten much better mileage than others. Kinda odd.
I have 90k+ miles on a 2015 and have never seen numbers like that - mine are much closer to Subaru’s projections.
I’m honestly amazed that Mitsubishi still makes an effort to sell cars in the US.
CP, x 100.
The “well deserved” part was meant to be tongue-in-cheek. The reaction, though, suggests that perhaps it shouldn’t have been...
cyclists (many Jalopnik readers.)
Hope the kid sues the dealer.
Grade crossings for HSR are generally prohibited in the U.S., unless they have four quadrant gates. Only a handful of those.
Honestly, are you surprised? Carvana is for people who don’t know a damn thing about cars (I don’t mean this negatively - it just is what it is). They think it’s like buying an iPhone.
Letting a plane fly uncontrolled into the ground is insanely reckless. FAA should read this guy the Riot Act.
My Jalopnik Gold membership get me a ride, right?
I only know this car exists because of Midtown Madness.