
The argument was that if every consumer balked at the markup and refused to pay, prices would come down....I am glad I never wrote that post as it would have not aged well

Bet you dollars to donuts there’s an e-bay listing for one of their engines that has already closed.

Yeah those other 2 are possibly chopped up already or on their way to another country.

Manual transmissions would have prevented this.

Then again, the US Navy had a few instances of ships going clunk in the night too..

My takeaway is... only two are needed to run a 180ft freighter?

Carlos is criminally underrated. Also a member of the drivers with cool dads club (NOT YOU JOS)  with Carlos Sr. still fighting for Dakar wins

Do not fuck with AAA. They are probably the best roadside service in existence right now. At least where I live.

He committed insurance fraud multiple times for thousands of dollars. I don’t care if you’re screwing over a shitty company like Comcast, felony fraud is felony fraud. Right or wrong?

How would you not know it was fraud? AAA pays for a tow at a specific time from/to a specific place. If I do the tow, tell the customer to sign-up for AAA after-the-fact and then submit the paperwork to be paid for the tow claiming the tow happened at a completely different time, that’s very obvious that I’m doing

That guy was smart enough to not commit obvious fraud on YouTube (I’m assuming.)

Felony second-degree insurance fraud can carry up to 15 years, and what he did is second-degree insurance fraud, but what he did will not earn him 15 years. “Second-degree insurance fraud” is a wide umbrella. $15k in fraudulent claims isn’t going to get the max. For that, the fraudulent claims will be at least 7

And that makes them uninformed somehow?

It honestly never occurred to me that AAA or insurance would cover offroad towing, when I got my SUV stuck I just ate the cost of the tow.

Auto (including towing) insurance fraud adds $200-$300 a year to your individual insurance premium, according to estimates from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). But that’s a paltry sum compared to its overall impact, because every business has to pay for insurance as well.

The customers still had to pay for a AAA membership before they got the tow paid for, so AAA still got money from the customers. It seems Matt changed the dates so it looked like the tow happened AFTER they got their AAA membership.  

It does penalize us AAA members a little, but not enough for the man to spend 15

That’s.... not how crime works.

I pay for AAA membership. Fraud increases costs to honest customers.

Either you help for free or for fee. But be upfront about it. Shady crap like this gives the free to help people a bad name now