
This is disappointing. I’d always hoped to see it one day.

This, times a million. 

Water is wet. More at 11.

I use my watch multiple times a day to—wait for it—tell the time and date.

There’s probably a debate to be had about the merits of SLS and Artemis, but the fact that Biden & Co. haven’t engaged in the usual space pendulum swing that happens after a change in administration is a good thing. 

...even then, what’s wrong with ammonia-free Windex? 

Eh, hate to say it, but it’s typical of some of the editorializing around here.

This is impressive. I’m not the world’s biggest Musk fan, but very few C-suite executives have anywhere that level of knowledge about their product. Credit where credit is due, good for him. 

Small-volume performance manufacturers. They probably won’t be subject to the compliance nightmares or, if they are, can afford to deal with it. 

The only problem with CA is the outrageously high annual registration fee. The smog test isn’t yearly and isn’t a big deal. Otherwise, it’s a paradise. 

I always got a kick out of it because I share a (fairly uncommon) name with one of the cabbies.

There are very, very few cars in the “you couldn’t even pay me to drive that” category.

Oh, sure, I don’t disagree at all. Like I said - I just find the view that travel is basically tantamount to infection rather obnoxious, because it just doesn’t square with reality.

I’ve been through plenty of terminals throughout the pandemic. They’re essentially empty, and I’ve been able to keep my distance from people without issue.

Earlier this month Leclerc took a vacation to Dubai with his girlfriend. I’m not saying this is where he contracted the virus, but where there’s smoke you’ll usually find fire.

PA is a vast, cop-free wasteland. And it is FULL of amazing driving roads.

...PA cops can’t use radar?

In a world where the 550 exists, I’m amazed that anyone finds this to be their favorite Ferrari.

I mean... I don’t read The Drive. What’s the problem? We don’t criticize MSNBC for covering the same news CNN does, do we?

Boeing’s chief executive was fired over this, but sure. Go off.