How can you leave out that this is from Keji Inafune and Comcept?
How can you leave out that this is from Keji Inafune and Comcept?
This is my new fav. Courtesy of Genevieve Valentine of Io9
Ive said this before and Ill say it again. Can we just dropped him in Brownsville or the South Bronx just to see what happens?
Cut off khaki shorts
There is no way that photo wont be a photoshop contest
That Meek photo is the saddest pic. He found a way to look pathetic in a Maybach.
Serious question. What is wrong with that? Beta testing is beta testing regardless of platform.
Even Amy Pascal saw the writing on the wall.
Shiny and chrome
Can we talk about this stupidity?
Austin Rivers+Shaq audio
This is the nature of the NFL now. Everyone is terrified of having someone on their team with “character issues.” At this point the Baton Rouge PD will need to make a press conference and say he is 100% innocent.
I know people that buy that and they dont have a Wii U
Cannibalism. That weirded me out the most
I enjoyed this immensely.
Yup. Im Team Never Dates. Unfortunately, it made me a member of Team Forever Alone.
Hopefully this is the end of the Ireland dark days