Brandon V. Fletcher

That Perry Ellis code doesnt seem to work on anything.

That Perry Ellis code doesnt seem to work on anything.



Do you think the Nexus 6 would fit in there?

Do you think the Nexus 6 would fit in there?

This will always be hilarious

Have you seen a GTA trailer? Its just gameplay footage with the camera moved around and no menus. You can do that a bit in a the game. My point is gameplay footage doesnt have to be from the view of the player.

Every game announcement is like this. FOR YEARS. I dont understand why people dont get it and continue to complain. Thats like complaining about not showing something in a teaser trailer for a movie. The point is to wet your appetite.

But how do you know those last bits arent gameplay just without menus? Thats done all the time.

The last few shots looked like gameplay

Fun fact: Joss Whedon also left WW over creative differences.

Whedon is just burnt out at the moment. He wants to do smaller films, Im sure he will be back at some point. (Probably to direct Captain Marvel).

Well, Edgar Wright also dropped out of Ant-Man because of creative differences so there is that. Thing with these films now is that its in a share a universe so when you come on as a director and you cant really go in and say i want this and that. You have to be able to play in the box that Marvel (In this case DC)

search in incognito mode

I shall continue the Ronda Rousey gifs.

Im going to just roll with you on this.

Its continuing to scroll that much of a hassle?

Nope I felt uneasy reading this. It probably doesnt help that he played the part on The Fall so well

Oh your divorce is official Paula?