If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.
If that picture isn’t a perfect distillation of 400 plus years of white colonialism, I don’t know what is.
“a dumb Stacey Dash”
then they are all fake holidays.
You know how you feel about people wearing non-spooky costumes on Halloween? That’s how I feel about any adult wearing any costume on Halloween. We’re both stick-in-the-mud assholes. Learning to accept that is the first step to getting better.
Clearly there are very fine people on both sides
Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a…
Agreed. I just replied to somebody else about this. He either willfully is leaving out all the instances in the game where Spider-Man is clearly not working with the NYPD, or just straight missed all the not-very-subtle indications that Spider-Man is still working well within the realm of vigilante justice without the…
Yeah, this article made me realize we’re actually out of problems.
This is quite groan inducing. Spider-Man helps Yuri, and by extension the NYPD, not the NYPD specifically, she is the only one he trusts, and likewise, and she is the only one he is truly attempting to help. Hell, several times during gameplay he remarks about leaving the scene before the police show up because he’s…
“I’m not grasping for as many straws as it may appear.”
I disagree. This is silly.
I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.
Good, yes. Gimme Arkham City with web swinging.
Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?
“i used to be a nazi. i still am, but i used to too” -heinrich hedberg
People can bitch about not “resorting to violence” but part of making the world a nicer place for marginalized people is shutting up racists and other assholes. Punching Richard Spencer in the face, tossing drinks at Tomi Lahren, these aren’t just things that give me a warm fuzzy, they’re laudable actions that…
“Don’t scare me like that, colonizah!”
Yeah fuck all the good exclusives that Sony offers year after year for the Halo/Gears of Forza Box 5 with some old games that you could play for $5.00 on an old console.
Let’s just be honest here: these are really rebranded Trump Steaks, aren’t they?
Kingdom Hearts is the dumbest shit in the world and I’m fucking here day one at midnight to get this game.