Brandon Toms

Nice dogwhistle on the “prison” too. Like he’s destined for prison just because he’s a smart black child. Like racist, ignorant teachers aren’t a vital part of the school-to-prison pipeline. Like you aren’t the problem yourself.

Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit.

There is a difference between advising women not to let their guard down and saying that women who ostensibly have let their guard down are making excuses for fucking up when they get raped while their guard is down. Will I advise my daughter to be careful and not drink too much at parties lest she end up incapable of

My beef with Waze is it will add thirty turns to shave off thirty seconds

Are you only just discovering that there are swear words on Lifehacker

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

Isn’t this an inherently racist comment?

yes, and all black people are good dancers, they just don’t know it

A god watching over humans, combining management-like tasks with brawler combat?

Mmm. Good. I’ve been waiting for an Actraiser successor.

Hmmm it’s like the system works well but requires some user interaction. Like having a dog.

The angels are wonderful villains at first but they get horribly overused later on.

Yep, we just bought a 2016 BMW for 45% off of the original purchase price. That being said, I think the car makers/sellers are in trouble, and I’d guess that waiting will result in even better deals in 6 months+.

I know it’s not an “emergency” becuase you’re still in the fucking theater. You’re phone is a giant blinding light flickering.. it’s not about staring at your selfish ass. I didn’t pay good money to watch people yank out their phones every minute and a half

Hey, at least they had the decency not to include 1 2 switch.

Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

That’s a pretty dubious claim, Mr. I’ve-never-posted-here-before. But let’s try a sorting-hat exercise: Is Sandy Hook in the 90% or the 10%?

Very good call, my bad!


Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.